Thread: Tic Tac Toe OpenGL

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    Tic Tac Toe OpenGL

    I have this C program that uses OpenGL functions (ultimately I am going to combine this with a tic tac toe program I wrote in C to make a graphical tic tac toe program)
    However I am having trouble with drawing X's and O's on the grid using the glvertex function and getting them to scale properly when you change the size of the display window
    . Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
    Library files

    Make sure to call these commands in your compiler: libglut32.a -lglu32 -lopengl32

    *Hopefully I posted this in the right place as I am new to this forum

    /* Program that draws a tic-tac-toe grid
       It also registers to receive, and responds to, 
       mouse events                                   */
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "glut.h"
    #define INITIALWIDTH 500
    #define INITIALHEIGHT 500
    int scrWidth = INITIALWIDTH, scrHeight = INITIALHEIGHT;   /* Initial screen size */
    int fifthWidth = INITIALWIDTH/5, fifthHeight = INITIALHEIGHT/5;
    void myinit( );          /* <- Functions written by the programmer to */
    void display( );         /* ... produce the graphics they desire.     */
    void reshape(int, int);  /* ... myinit( ) is called once. Display( )  */
                             /* ... and reshape( ) are called as needed.  */
    void grid( );            /* ... grid( ) draws tic-tac-toe grid and is */
                             /* ... called by display                     */
    void mouse(int, int, int, int);
                             /* ... mouse( ) is called when mouse events  */
                             /* ... occur                                 */       
    /* Function to initialize OpenGL parameters and
       prepare for drawing as the programmer sees fit.  */
    void myinit( )
      glClearColor(1.,1.,1.,1.);         /* white background */
      glColor3f(0.,0.,0.);               /* black foreground */
      /* set up viewing scrWidth x scrHeight window with origin shifted
         up and to the right 25 pixels.                                 */
      glLoadIdentity( );
                 /* Establish left-right and bottom-top clipping planes */
                 /* ... shifted to create an "empty zone" around grid   */
    /* Function registered with OpenGL for producing the graphics */
    /*       This is the function you want to modify to customize */
    /*       the drawing your program does.                       */
    /*                                                            */
    /*       Notice that it can call new, additional functions    */
    /*       you write to modularize your code.                   */
    void display( )
      glLineWidth(3.0);   /* Wide line-width for board grid */
      glBegin(GL_LINES);  /* Begin drawing wide lines       */
      grid( );            /* Draw tic-tac-toe grid          */
      glEnd( );
      glLineWidth(1.0);   /* Narrow lines for X's and O's   */
      glBegin(GL_LINES);  /* Begin drawing narrow lines     */
    //  drawBoard(board);/* Draw X's and O's in the grid    */
      glEnd( );                
      glFlush( );
    /* Draw the tic-tac-toe grid lines                    */
    /* ... Called by display( ) to allow display( ) to be
       ... more succinct.                                 */
    void grid( )
      int i;
    void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
      int col = -1, row = -1;
      if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP){
        if(fifthWidth < x && x < fifthWidth*2)
          col = 0;
        else if(fifthWidth*2 < x && x < fifthWidth*3)
          col = 1;
        else if(fifthWidth*3 < x && x < fifthWidth*4)
          col = 2;
        if(col > -1 && fifthHeight < y && y < fifthHeight*2)
          row = 0;
        else if(fifthHeight*2 < y && y < fifthHeight*3)
          row = 1;
        else if(fifthHeight*3 < y && y < fifthHeight*4)
          row = 2;
        if(col > -1 && row > -1){
          printf("row = %d col = %d \n", row, col); 
    /* Function called when the window is reshaped. */
    void reshape(int newScrWidth, int newScrHeight)
      scrHeight = newScrHeight;
      scrWidth = newScrWidth;
      fifthWidth = scrWidth/5;
      fifthHeight = scrHeight/5;
      /* Restablish viewing scrWidth x scrHeight window */
      /* Restablish translation matrix place origin in lower-left */
      glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);      /* Matrix operations on projection matrix */
      glLoadIdentity( );
                           /* Establish left-right and bottom-top clipping planes */
                           /* ... shifted to create an "empty zone" around grid   */
      glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);       /* Matrix operations on model matrix      */
      display( );                       /* Redisplay the graphics/window          */
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
      glutInit(&argc,argv);                          /* These 1st four function   */
      glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);  /* ... calls are OpenGL/GLUT */
      glutInitWindowSize(scrWidth,scrHeight);        /* ... preparatory calls     */
      glutDisplayFunc(display);    /* <- Registers the programmer's drawing code */
                                   /* ... so that the graphics can be displayed  */
                                   /* ... in the window.                         */
      glutMouseFunc(mouse);        /* <- Registers the programmer's mouse code   */
      myinit( );                   /* This is a local function to establish the   */
                                   /* ... current state desired by the programmer.*/
      glutReshapeFunc(reshape);     /* <- Registers the programmers drawing code  */
                                    /* ... with OpenGL/GLUT so that if window is  */
                                    /* ... reshaped, the graphics can be redrawn. */
      glutMainLoop( );       /* Starts the event-loop for the graphics environment. */
      return 0;
    /*    OUTPUT: TicTacToe.c
        row = 0 col = 0 
        row = 1 col = 0 
        row = 1 col = 1 
        row = 0 col = 1 
        row = 2 col = 2 
    *EDIT: In case I didn't correct it the call to set the window drawing coordinates should be

    gluOrtho2D(0.0,(GLdouble)scrWidth,(GLdouble)scrHei ght,0.0);

    Heres my circle drawing function
    /* Draw a circle with center (x,y) and radius r */
       Draws a series of line segments to produce a 
       circle.                                      */
    void drawCircle(int cx, int cy, int r)
      double angle;
      const int segments = 30;
      int x,y,oldX,oldY;
      oldX = cx + r;  /* first point */
      oldY = cy;
      for(angle = M_PI/segments; angle < 2*M_PI; angle += M_PI/segments){
        x = cx + cos(angle)*r; /* Compute next point to draw to */
        y = cy + sin(angle)*r;
        glVertex2i(oldX,oldY); /* Draw between previous point and  */
        glVertex2i(x,y);       /* ... new point                    */
        oldX=x;                /* Shift current point back to previous */
    Last edited by atomicrockerdud; 05-01-2012 at 03:48 PM.

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