yessir, and that was my next idea. But I wasn't sure how I'd implement that. As in, how would I know it's the new line?

for example my function for this piece of code for this so far is this...

char **open_classes_taken(int *count){
     FILE *fp;
     char buffer[100];
     char  *temp;
     int class_count = 0;
     char **names = malloc (sizeof(char*));
     if ( (fp = fopen("hw11-data.csv", "r" )) == NULL )
     printf("Couldn't open file\n");
     while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
         for(temp = strtok(buffer, ",") ; temp != NULL; temp = strtok(NULL,","))              
              names[class_count] = malloc(strlen(temp) + 1);   
              strcpy(names[class_count], temp);  
              names = realloc(names, ((class_count)+1)* sizeof(char*));   
*count = class_count;
return names;

and if you notice, I was leaving the newlines in there and was going to basically say if it's a newline, compare to the other array of strings stored (which is going to be an array from a file that shows prerequisites). Opening these files seems like they will be able to both use the same function if I do this.

Anywho, back to your question. Yes we've learned structures, but when thinking about that, I was just unsure how I would find the newline. Would it be similar to how my code is written now, just using structures instead?