how about something like this?

I think my mind works in strange ways sometimes lol. This is to do a 4 bit word to simplify it a bit.

Unsigned int Reverse(unsigned int var1)
            unsigned int a,b,c;
            unsigned int a = 0; // reversed number goes here
       int bit;
        bit = 1;             //"bit" is the variable used to mask the var1 and find the values of each bit
       c = 0;
while ( bit<=8)
            b = var1 & bit;   //find the value of bit 3 - XXX?   
            if (b=0)             //if the value is 1 or 0 sets the variable "a" to the flipped version
                        a = 0;    // 0000
                        c = c | a;           //this should set a rolling value of c from its initial value of 0000
                                                //dependant on what the "bit" value is
            if (b=1)
                        a= 8;     // 1000
                        c = c | a;
            if (b=2)
                        a=4;      //0100
                        c = c | a;
            if (b=4)
                        a=2;      // 0010
                        c = c | a;
            if (b=8)
                        a=1;      //0001
                        c = c | a;
            <<bit;               //shift "bit" left to change the mask
reverse = c;
return reverse;