Thread: undefined reference error to the extreme

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    undefined reference error to the extreme

    Hello all im a new programmer and new to this site. I was wondering if i could hget some help with with this error since my grade in computer science 1 is on the line. Basically when i run the program it gives me 12 undefined reference errors and i have know idea what the complier wants me to do im so confused. here is my code and thank you for any help in advance

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct allowedMACS {
    int linkedMAC;
    struct allowedMACS *next;
    } links;
    typedef struct tree_node {
    int MAC;
    char firstName[21];
    char lastName[21];
    int broadcastRange;
    int x;
    int y;
    struct allowedMACS *deviceLinks;
    int numLinks;
    struct tree_node *left;
    struct tree_node *right;
    } BSTnode;
    /// Initializations
    struct tree_node *CreateTreeNode();
    // Functions for search
    struct tree_node *FindName(struct tree_node *hunter_ptr, char FirstName[21],
                   char LastName[21]);
    struct tree_node *FindMAC(struct tree_node *hunter_ptr, int MAC);
    // operations within the tree
    struct tree_node *InsertTreeNode(struct tree_node *root,
                      struct tree_node *element);
    struct tree_node *DeleteTreeNode(struct tree_node* root, int value);
    //Status of the tree
    int isLeaf(struct tree_node *node);
    int hasOnlyLeftChild(struct tree_node *node);
    int hasOnlyRightChild(struct tree_node *node);
    struct tree_node *parent(struct tree_node *root, struct tree_node *node);
    struct tree_node *maxVal(struct tree_node *root);
    struct tree_node *minVal(struct tree_node *root);
    // structs for user lists
    struct allowedMACS *Join(struct tree_node *person, int MAC);
    struct allowedMACS *Link(struct tree_node *person, int MAC);
    struct allowedMACS *Unlink(struct tree_node *person, int MAC);
    struct allowedMACS *Quit(struct allowedMACS *front, int num);
    int LLsearch(struct allowedMACS * Allusers, int MAC );
    // Print function
    void PrintKISMEMBERS(FILE *ofp,struct tree_node *Allusers, struct tree_node *person);
    // may need more up there but for now we made it to main
    int main(){
        // ifp output variables
        FILE *ifp, *ofp;
        // tree of all users
         struct tree_node *Allusers=NULL;
         // The number of commands in the file
         int commandsnum;
         //Command to execute   ..sounds powerful
         char command[20];
         // general loop variable
         int i;
         char trFirstName[21], trLastName[21], dFirstName[21], dLastName[21];
         struct tree_node *tNode, *tuser;
        int randomSeed, planeSizeX, planeSizeY;
         //ifp/Output files and specification
          ifp= fopen("", "r");
          ofp= fopen("KnightHoc.out", "w");
         if(ifp == NULL || ofp == NULL)
          fprintf(ofp, "File not Found, Press ENTER to exit\n");
          return 0;
    // the binary search tree node process
     Allusers = NULL;
        fscanf(ifp, "%d %d %d", &randomSeed, &planeSizeX, &planeSizeY);
         fscanf(ifp, "%d", &commandsnum);
            // ifp command conditions for join
            for(i = 0; i < commandsnum; i++){
            fscanf(ifp, "%s", command);
            if(strcmp("Join", command)==0){
            struct tree_node *NewNode = CreateTreeNode();
            fscanf(ifp, "%d%s%s%d", &NewNode->MAC, NewNode->firstName,
            NewNode->lastName, &NewNode->broadcastRange, &NewNode->x, &NewNode->y);
                  if(tNode=FindName(Allusers, NewNode->firstName,
                 fprintf(ofp, "%s %s is already a user"
                     " Book.\n", NewNode->firstName,
                 fprintf(ofp, "Added %s %s, MAC %d\n",
                     NewNode->lastName, NewNode->MAC);
                 Allusers = InsertTreeNode(Allusers, NewNode);
            else if(strcmp("FINDMAC", command)==0)
               tNode = FindMAC(Allusers, tNode->MAC);
               if(tNode == NULL)
                fprintf(ofp, "MAC %d not found.\n", tNode->MAC);
                fprintf(ofp, "%d %s %s (%d,%d)", tNode->MAC,tNode->firstName,tNode->lastName,tNode->x,tNode->y);
            else if(strcmp("LINK", command)==0)
               // store first name set in tNode
               fscanf(ifp, "%s%s", tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
               tNode = FindName(Allusers, tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
               // store second name set in tuser
               fscanf(ifp, "%s%s", dFirstName, dLastName);
               tuser = FindName(Allusers, dFirstName, dLastName);
               if(tNode == NULL || tNode->deviceLinks == NULL)
                fprintf(ofp, "Cannot Perform Link Command:\n");
                if(tNode == NULL)
                 fprintf(ofp, "   %s %s - Error.\n",
                     tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
                if(tNode->deviceLinks == NULL){
                 fprintf(ofp, "   %s %s - Error.\n",
                     dFirstName, dLastName);
               else if(LLsearch(tNode->deviceLinks, tNode->deviceLinks->linkedMAC) ||
                   LLsearch(tuser->deviceLinks, tNode->MAC))
                fprintf(ofp, "Cannot Perform Link Command:\n"
                    "   %s %s and %s %s are linked already .\n",
                    tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName, dFirstName, dLastName);
                // store the users
                tNode->deviceLinks = Link(tNode, tNode->MAC);
                tuser->deviceLinks = Link(tuser, tuser->MAC);
                fprintf(ofp, "%s %s and %s %s are linked.\n", tNode->firstName,
                    tNode->lastName, dFirstName, dLastName);
          else if(strcmp("UNLINK", command)==0)
               fscanf(ifp, "%s%s%d", tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName,tNode->MAC);
               tNode = FindName(Allusers, tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
               fscanf(ifp, "%s%s%d", dFirstName, dLastName);
               tuser = FindName(Allusers, dFirstName, dLastName);
               if(tNode == NULL || tuser == NULL)
                fprintf(ofp, "Can't do UNLINK Command:\n");
                if(tNode == NULL)
                 fprintf(ofp, "   %s %s %d - not a valid user.\n",
                     tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
                if(tuser == NULL){
                 fprintf(ofp, "   %s %s %d - Not a valid user.\n",
                     dFirstName, dLastName);
               else if(tNode->deviceLinks == NULL)
                fprintf(ofp, "Cannot Perform UNLINK Command:\n"
                    "   %s %s and %s %s are not currently linked.\n",
                    tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName, dFirstName, dLastName);
                tuser->deviceLinks = Unlink(tuser, tNode->MAC);
                tNode->deviceLinks->next = Unlink(tNode, tuser->MAC);
                fprintf(ofp, "%s %s and %s %s are now unlinked from the the share site.\n",
                    tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName, dFirstName,
            else if(strcmp("PRINTKISMEMBERS", command)==0)
               if(Allusers != NULL){
                fprintf(ofp, "KnightsHOC internet share users:\n");
                PrintKISMEMBERS(ofp, Allusers,0);
                fprintf(ofp, "Can't do PRINTKIS Command aint no one hrrr:\n");
          else if(strcmp("QUIT", command)==0)
               fscanf(ifp, "%s%s%d", tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName,tNode->MAC);
               tuser= FindName(Allusers, tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName);
               if(tuser == NULL)
                fprintf(ofp, "Cannot Perform DELETE Command user does not exist:\n");
                while(tuser->deviceLinks->next !=NULL){
                 //removes user before deleting user
                 FindMAC(Allusers, tuser->numLinks--);
                 tuser->deviceLinks->next = Quit(tuser->deviceLinks->next,tuser->deviceLinks->next->linkedMAC);
                fprintf(ofp, "has quit %s %s.\n", tuser->firstName,
                Allusers = DeleteTreeNode(Allusers, tuser->MAC);
          else if(strcmp("SHOWCONNECTIONS", command)==0){
            int bigmac;
            fscanf(ifp, "%d", &bigmac);
            tNode = FindMAC(Allusers, bigmac);
            fprintf(ofp, "Connections for MAC %d, %s %s, located at position (%d,%d):\n",
                    tNode->MAC, tNode->firstName, tNode->lastName, tNode->x, tNode->y);
            fprintf(ofp, "\tThere are a total of %d link(s).\n", tNode->numLinks);
            fprintf(ofp, "\tThere are %d active link(s) within the broadcast range of %d", tNode->numLinks, tNode->broadcastRange);
            // cycle through active links, print each one
            // else no links?
            fprintf(ofp, "MAC %d has no links.", tNode->MAC);
          else if(strcmp("MOVEDEVICES", command)==0){
                int currentNode;
              tNode = FindMAC(Allusers,currentNode);
              fprintf(ofp,"assigning coordinates for MAC at postion (%d,%d):\n",
            // currentNode is used to store each user one at a time
                // for each member the loop goes through, do this:
    // End main
    // making function for tree node
        struct tree_node* CreateTreeNode(){
         struct tree_node * temp;
         temp = (struct tree_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
         temp->left = NULL;
         temp->right = NULL;
    // fucntion for findMAC find a person and prints their name mac and coordinates
    //Error message will print if null or the user is not found
    struct tree_node* FindMAC(struct tree_node *hunter_ptr, int MAC)
         // checking if any nodes are in the tree
         if (hunter_ptr != NULL) {
          // if value found at root
          if(hunter_ptr->MAC == MAC)
               return hunter_ptr;
          // Search  left.
          if (hunter_ptr->MAC > MAC)
               return (struct tree_node *)FindMAC(hunter_ptr->left, MAC);
          // search  right.
               return (struct tree_node *)FindMAC(hunter_ptr->right, MAC);
          return NULL; // No node found.
    // links users to the internet share. will print error if not in the network or already identified
    //hunter_ptr is a valid tree node. the mac of the user is also added to the network
    struct allowedMACS *Link(struct tree_node *person,int MAC){
         struct allowedMACS *temp;
         struct allowedMACS *iter;
         struct allowedMACS *savelink;
         struct allowedMACS * front = person->deviceLinks;
         // Create the new node.
         temp = (struct allowedMACS*)malloc(sizeof(struct allowedMACS));
         temp->linkedMAC = MAC;
         temp->next = NULL;
         // insert into an empty list
         if (front == NULL){
          return temp;
         if (MAC < front->linkedMAC) {
          temp->next = front;
          return temp;
         // Start iter at the front of the linked list.
         iter = front;
         // Use front to iterate to the right spot to insert temp.
         while (iter->next != NULL && iter->next->linkedMAC < MAC)
          iter = iter->next;
         // Save the node to patch
         savelink = iter->next;
         // Insert temp.
         iter->next = temp;
         temp->next = savelink;
         return front;
    // Removes user off of network. If no user was there print error. return pointer to front of list
    struct allowedMACS *Unlink(struct tree_node * person, int MAC){
         struct allowedMACS *front = person->deviceLinks;
         struct allowedMACS *temp, *del;
         temp = front;
         // Only need to delete if the list is not null.
         if (temp != NULL) {
          // delete then free and return
          if (temp->linkedMAC == MAC) {
               del = temp -> next;
               return del;
          // if still not found loop through list til found then delete
          while (temp->next != NULL) {
               if (temp ->next->linkedMAC == MAC) {
                del = temp -> next;
                temp->next = temp ->next->next;
                return front;
               temp = temp -> next;
         return NULL;
    // Deletes laptop from the KIS Internet share and deletes the users address. a pointer will loop through
    // the list and find the adress and delete it
    struct allowedMACS * Quit(struct allowedMACS *front, int num)
         struct allowedMACS *temp, *del;
         temp = front;
         // Again only need to delete if list is not null
         if (temp != NULL) {
          // get to node that needs to be deleted
          if (temp->linkedMAC == num)
               del = temp->next;
               return del;
          // loop til the node is found...then delete it!
          while (temp->next != NULL)
               if (temp->next->linkedMAC == num)
                del = temp -> next;
                temp->next = temp->next->next;
                return front;
               temp = temp-> next;
         return front;
    //Prints out all of the users and their devices that take part of knightshoc internet share
    void PrintKISnumbers(FILE * ofp, BSTnode *Allusers){
         BSTnode *helper_ptr = Allusers;
         if(helper_ptr != NULL){
          if(helper_ptr->right != NULL)
               PrintKISMEMBERS(ofp, helper_ptr->left,helper_ptr->right);
          fprintf(ofp, "   ");
          PrintPerson(ofp, helper_ptr);
          if(helper_ptr->left != NULL){
               PrintKISMEMBERS(ofp, helper_ptr->right,helper_ptr->right);
    struct tree_node * InsertTreeNode(struct tree_node *root,struct tree_node *element){
         if (root == NULL)
          return element;
         else {
          // element should be inserted to the right.
          if (element->MAC > root->MAC) {
               // There is a right subtree to insert the node.
               if (root->right != NULL)
                root->right = InsertTreeNode(root->right, element);
               // Place the node directly to the right of root.
                root->right = element;
          // element should be inserted to the left.
          else {
               // There is a left subtree to insert the node.
               if (root->left != NULL)
                root->left = InsertTreeNode(root->left, element);
               // Place the node directly to the left of root.
                root->left = element;
          // Return the root pointer of the updated tree.
          return root;
    struct tree_node* DeleteTreeNode(struct tree_node* root, int value)
         struct tree_node *delnode, *new_del_node, *save_node;
         struct tree_node *par;
         int save_val;
         delnode = FindMAC(root, value); // Get a pointer to the node to delete.
         par = parent(root, delnode); // Get the parent of this node.
         // Take care of the case where the node to delete is a leaf node.
         if (isLeaf(delnode))
          // Deleting the only node in the tree.
          if (par == NULL)
               free(root); // free the memory for the node.
               return NULL;
          // Deletes the node if it's a left child.
          if (value < par->MAC)
               free(par->left); // Free the memory for the node.
               par->left = NULL;
          // Deletes the node if it's a right child.
               free(par->right); // Free the memory for the node.
               par->right = NULL;
          return root; // Return the root of the new tree.
         // Take care of the case where the node to be deleted only has a left child
         if (hasOnlyLeftChild(delnode)) {
          // Deleting the root node of the tree.
          if (par == NULL) {
               save_node = delnode->left;
               free(delnode); // Free the node to delete.
               return save_node; // Return the new root node of the resulting tree.
          // Deletes the node if it's a left child.
          if (value < par->MAC) {
               save_node = par->left; // Save the node to delete.
               par->left = par->left->left; // Readjust the parent pointer.
               free(save_node); // Free the memory for the deleted node.
          // Deletes the node if it's a right child.
          else {
               save_node = par->right; // Save the node to delete.
               par->right = par->right->left; // Readjust the parent pointer.
               free(save_node); // Free the memory for the deleted node.
          return root; // Return the root of the tree after the deletion.
         // Takes care of the case where the deleted node only has a right child.
         if (hasOnlyRightChild(delnode)) {
          // Node to delete is the root node.
          if (par == NULL) {
               save_node = delnode->right;
               return save_node;
          // Delete's the node if it is a left child.
          if (value < par->MAC) {
               save_node = par->left;
               par->left = par->left->right;
          // Delete's the node if it is a right child.
          else {
               save_node = par->right;
               par->right = par->right->right;
          return root;
         // Find the new physical node to delete.
         new_del_node = minVal(delnode->right);
         save_val = new_del_node->MAC;
         DeleteTreeNode(root, save_val);  // Now, delete the proper value.
         // Restore the MAC to the original node to be deleted.
         delnode->MAC = save_val;
         return root;
    struct tree_node* parent(struct tree_node *root, struct tree_node *node) {
         // Take care of NULL cases.
         if (root == NULL || root == node)
          return NULL;
         // The root is the direct parent of node.
         if (root->left == node || root->right == node)
          return root;
         // Look for node's parent in the left side of the tree.
         if (node->MAC < root->MAC)
          return parent(root->left, node);
         // Look for node's parent in the right side of the tree.
         else if (node->MAC > root->MAC)
          return parent(root->right, node);
         return NULL; // Catch any other extraneous cases.
    int isLeaf(struct tree_node *node)
         return (node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL);
    int hasOnlyLeftChild(struct tree_node *node)
         return (node->left!= NULL && node->right == NULL);
    int hasOnlyRightChild(struct tree_node *node)
         return (node->left== NULL && node->right != NULL);
    struct tree_node* minVal(struct tree_node *root)
         // Root stores the minimal value.
         if (root->left == NULL)
          return root;
         // The left subtree of the root stores the minimal value.
          return minVal(root->left);
    struct tree_node* maxVal(struct tree_node *root)
         // root stores the maximal value.
         if (root->right == NULL)
          return root;
         // the right subtree of the root stores the maximal value.
          return maxVal(root->right);
    int LLFind(struct allowedMACS * AllBuddies, int user)
         struct allowedMACS * helperBuddy = AllBuddies;
         while(helperBuddy != NULL)
          if(helperBuddy->linkedMAC == user)
               return 1;
          helperBuddy = helperBuddy->next;
         return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User ~Kyo~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    post the errors

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    the errors i get are the following:

    undefined reference to FindName-6 times
    undefined reference to LLsearch-2 times
    undefined reference to PrintKISMEMBERS- 3 times

    total of 11 errors. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks in sdvance

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You call 12 undefined references "extreme"? You have a very low threshold for judging a problem to be severe.

    In any event, C compilers do not tend to complain much about undefined references. Linkers (the programs that combine compiled object files together to produce an executable) however, do.

    The general principle is that, to resolve undefined references, it is necessary for the programer to include relevant files or libraries in the compilation and linkage (i.e. in your project). If your code uses functions from x.c, then x.c needs to be included in the project (the functions in x.c will not be included in your program by magic). If your code uses functions from the standard math library, then you need to set project options so the (compiled) math library is linked into the program.

    Without knowing how you are compiling and linking your program, or what development environment (Visual Studio, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, etc) you are using, it is impossible to give more specific advice. However, the basic principles I stated above apply - the method of adding source files to projects, or including libraries in the link, vary between development environments. You will need to read documentation for your development environment, or work through various project options (particularly those that affect compilation and linking).
    Right 98% of the time, and don't care about the other 3%.

    If I seem grumpy or unhelpful in reply to you, or tell you you need to demonstrate more effort before you can expect help, it is likely you deserve it. Suck it up, Buttercup, and read this, this, and this before posting again.

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    @ grumpy: i used code blocks to compile the program but i will also take the advice you gave on linking and compilation. thanks

  6. #6
    Registered User ~Kyo~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Try fixing your errors and warnings first. When I tried to compile that mass of code all I see are 2 errors and 13 warnings.

    ||=== gokutrnks, Debug ===|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|121|warning: too many arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|127|error: cannot convert 'bool' to 'tree_node*' in assignment|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|146|warning: writing into constant object (argument 3)|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|146|warning: too many arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|202|warning: format '%d' expects type 'int*', but argument 5 has type 'int'|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|204|warning: too few arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|217|warning: too few arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|220|warning: too few arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|254|warning: format '%d' expects type 'int*', but argument 5 has type 'int'|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|316|warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'char*'|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|316|warning: too many arguments for format|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|86|warning: unused variable 'trFirstName'|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|86|warning: unused variable 'trLastName'|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp||In function 'tree_node* CreateTreeNode()':|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|351|warning: no return statement in function returning non-void|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp||In function 'void PrintKISnumbers(FILE*, BSTnode*)':|
    C:\Users\David\Desktop\Cboard\gokutrnks\gokutrnks\main.cpp|509|error: 'PrintPerson' was not declared in this scope|
    ||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 13 warnings ===|

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