Hi I am working on a program and have just one error left that I can not seem to get rid of. Take a look and let me know if you can help. Thanks!

#include "p24fxxxx.h"

#define USE_AND_OR

#include <uart.h>

#define FCY      4000000
#define BAUDRATE  9600
#define BRGVAL   (FCY / BAUDRATE / 32 - 1)

char string[] = {'\110', '\145', '\154', '\154', '\157', '\40', '\127',
                       '\157', '\162', '\154', '\144', '\041', '\000'};

int main()
	// Configure UART2 for no interrupts at 9600 baud.

	// Include a reset of the RX flag as required.
	IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0;

	putsUART2(unsigned int *string);

	while (1);

the error is a syntax error "before 'unsigned'" on the second to last line of code