i have written a code it is my college assignment for tomorrow, the program runs ok but it just wont work

the code is a long one 400... lines ill just take the neccessary parts if needed i can upload the full code

my struct :
// the struct which defines each cars properties.
struct car{
       char *plate;
       char *brand;
       char *model;
       char *color;
       char *status;
       int productionyear;
       int price;
};// Struct ends
the part where i call the mistaken function

Car gallery[20];
  // we initialize the cars before everything else
  // the main loop
  while(selection2 == 1)
  system("CLS");// clears the screen incase of previous restarts
  // Welcome Prints/Main Loop
  printf("Welcome to my gallery please make your selection : \n\n");
  printf("\n1 - Add a new car\n2 - Update an information of a selected car\n3 - Rent a Car\n4 - Taking back a car\n5 - Searching an available car\n\nEnter your selection : ");
  //Selection of main loop
  if(selection == 1){
               carcounter++;// when we add a new car we make sure the size of the loop there                                                    (check addcar())
and the whole function that causes my error

void addcar(Car *aCar,int i){
    // the string variables in order for scanf to read the string properly with also a size of 20
    char *plateA[20];
    char brandA[20];
    char modelA[20];
    char colorA[20];
    char statusA[20];
    // end of variables
    // read plateA and assign to struct
    printf("Enter plate of the car : ");
    aCar[i].plate = plateA;
    // end plate sscan
    // read brandA and assign to struct
    printf("Enter the brand of the car : ");
    aCar[i].brand = brandA;
    // end brand scan
    // read modelA and assign to struct
    printf("Enter the model of the car : ");
    aCar[i].model = modelA;
    // end model scan
    // read colorA and assign to struct
    printf("Enter the color of the car : ");
    aCar[i].color = colorA;
    // end color scan
    // read statusA and assign to struct
    printf("Enter the status of the car : ");
    aCar[i].status = statusA;
    // end status scan
    // start production year scan not neccesarily need a local variable as it wont have any
    // difference from the variable in our struct
    printf("Enter the production year of the car : ");
    // end production year scan
    // start price scan
    printf("Enter the price of the car : ");
    // nice success message
    printf("Car has been added : \n");
    // briefing of the car added
    printf("%s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %d , %d",aCar[i].plate,aCar[i].brand,aCar[i].model,aCar[i].color,aCar[i].status,aCar[i].productionyear,aCar[i].price);
i can even attach the zip of the whole project if anyone is willing to help

thanks in advance