
int main()
   int count = 0;
   int num_limit = 100;
   int factor = 1;
   int result = 0;
   for(num_limit = 100; count <= num_limit; count++)
      if(count == 2)
         printf("%d\n", count);
      if(count == 3)
         printf("%d\n", count);
      if(count % 2 != 0 && count % 3 != 0)
         while(factor <= count) // Trying to exclude perfect squares by finding the factors of number(count)
            if(factor % count == 0) // Findin factors of number(count)
               int fact_res = factor * factor; // fact_res the result of multiplying a factor by itself
               if(fact_res == count)
                  result++; // if fact_res is equal to number(count) then number is a perfect square
               }            // then result is increased by 1
         if(result == 0)
            printf("%d\n", count); // if result is greater than 0 then number is not a prime number

   return 0;
It only outputs 2 and 3 then ends. Please help me out.