I have a program where the user inputs numbers and the program calculates the mean median and mode. everything works fine except the mode method, and I dont know why. here is some of the code. I included a method I call that sorts the array, and that may or may not be the problem, but otherwise I just want this to work!!! :/
void sortArray(int nums[], int total) {
int x;
int y;
for(x=0; x<total; x++) {
for(y=0; y<total-1; y++) {
if(nums[y]>nums[y+1]) {
int temp = nums[y+1];
nums[y+1] = nums[y];
nums[y] = temp;
int findMode(int nums[],int total) {
int i, j, maxCount, modeValue;
int tally[total];
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
maxCount = 0;
modeValue = 0;
for (j = 0; j < total; j++) {
if (tally[j] > maxCount) {
maxCount = tally[j];
modeValue = j;
return modeValue;