
I'm trying to write a simple program which multiplies 2 2-dimensional matrices. I get no compiler errors nor warnings, also with debugging my pointer values seem to be okay, but the problem is that it prints the adresses, anyone got an idea?
This is my code:
/* AUTH: Kevin Strijbos   DATE: 18/01/2012
   DESCR: multiplies 2 2-dimensional matrices */

#include <stdio.h>

void mul_Matrices (int *m1, int *m2, int *result);

int main (void)
	int m1[2][2] = {{1, 2},{1, 3}};
	int m2[2][2] = {{3, 5},{4, 2}};
	int result[2][2];
	int counter, smallCounter, index;

	index = 0;

	mul_Matrices(m1, m2, result);


	for (counter = 0; counter < 2 ;counter++)
		for (smallCounter = 0; smallCounter < 2 ;smallCounter++)
			printf("%d\t", result[index]);

/* function that multiplies 2 2-dimensional arrays */
void mul_Matrices (int *m1, int *m2, int *result)
	int counter, smallCounter;

	for (counter = 0; counter < 2 ;counter++)
		for (smallCounter = 0; smallCounter < 2 ;smallCounter++)
			*result++ = (*m1 * *m2++) + (*(m1+1) * *m2++); // formula for matrix multiplation
		m1 += 2;
		m2 -= 4;

And this is my output:

3800320 3800328
3800336 3800344
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