Thread: Problem with loop

  1. #1
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    Problem with loop

    Hi! I make a input form with loop. The idea is, if the user has finished to fill the input form, then the program will ask is the user will input again or not. If yes, then the input form will appear again, if not the program will close. But, I got an error (Processor fault) when I run my program. Can someone help me to fix my code?

    this is code that I've made:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    typedef struct dokter{
        char sNip[10];
        char fName[15];
        char lName[15];
        char sAlmt[30];
        char sTgl[15];
        char sSex[3];
        char sSpec[30];
        int sav;
    } d;
        d doct[50];
        int z;
        char cAgain = 'y';
        for (z = 0; cAgain = 'y' ; z++)
            gotoxy(20,6);printf("+**=======>> Input data doctor <<=======**+");
            gotoxy(20,8);printf("                                           ");
            gotoxy(20,9);printf("1. Insert NIP                            ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].sNip);
            gotoxy(20,10);printf("2. Insert First Name: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].fName);
            gotoxy(20,11);printf("3. Insert Last Name: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].lName);
            gotoxy(20,12);printf("4. Insert Address: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].sAlmt);
            gotoxy(20,13);printf("5. Insert Birth Date [dd/mm/yyyy]: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].sTgl);
            gotoxy(20,14);printf("6. Sex: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].sSex);
            gotoxy(20,15);printf("7. Specialist: ");
            scanf("%s", doct[z].sSpec);
            gotoxy(20,16);printf("\n Input Again [y/t]? ");
            scanf("%c", &cAgain);getch();
          if(cAgain == 'n')

  2. #2
    Take a close look at your scanf statements.

  3. #3
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    segmentation fault
    You want ==, not =.

       for (z = 0; cAgain = 'y' ; z++)
    That would not cause the fault tho. Does it happen right away, or at a specific point?

    I would put a hard limit on your string reads to match the size of the fields, eg:

    typedef struct dokter{
        char sNip[10];
        char fName[15];
            gotoxy(20,9);printf("1. Insert NIP                            ");
            scanf("%9s", doct[z].sNip);
            gotoxy(20,10);printf("2. Insert First Name: ");
            scanf("%14s", doct[z].fName);
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  4. #4
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    Thanks for the reply...

    @ dennis.cpp can you tell me more specific about the scanf statements?

    I try to remove the scanf and the for loop, and I can run my program. But when I include the scanf, then I got a processor fault.
    Sorry for my bad english.

  5. #5
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    I would do something about the size of your struct: one takes up 122 bytes, but having an array of fifty means that you're allocating 6100 bytes solely on the stack, something that's generally a terrible idea. There are many ways to get around this issue, dynamic allocation being the best (realloc if the user wants to enter more data).

    Also, what happens when someone decides to enter a name that's longer than fifteen characters? Scanf will not catch the error without crazy formatting like MK27 said (so use fgets), and you'll most likely crash or corrupt memory elsewhere.

    Finally, I'm not sure why you keep using gotoxy, as it's wasteful and definitely not portable. It's easier to format your printfs with '\n' characters.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for your help, I will try it.

  7. #7
    Algorithm Dissector iMalc's Avatar
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    I love how sSex is only long enough to hold a two-character string. I guess the only thing that fits is "m", "f", or "no".
    "yes", "male", or "female" certainly wont fit!

    Note that to prevent buffer overruns you should put numbers in your scanf strings like:
    scanf("%9s", doct[z].sNip);
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  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Thanks for your explanation @iMalc this is so helpful.

  9. #9
    Third Eye Babkockdood's Avatar
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    Maybe this wouldn't work in this case, but I've always used fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin) to get strings from stdin.

    And your main function should look like this:

    int main(void) {
        // code...
        return 0;
    Assuming your program returned successfully, of course. FAQ > main() / void main() / int main() / int main(void) / int main(int argc, char *argv[]) -
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jargon File
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  10. #10
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    Thanks for the information Babkockdood.
    I was change my scanf to fgets, but I got some problem. when I run my program, the first input "insert NIP" was skipped/I can't input NIP. so, the input start from "First Name".

    this is my revised code:
            gotoxy(20,6);printf("+**=======>> Input data dokter <<=======**+");
            gotoxy(20,8);printf("                                           ");
            gotoxy(20,9);printf("1. Input NIP                            ");
            fgets(doct[z].sNip, 9, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,10);printf("2. Insert first name: ");
            fgets(doct[z].fName, 14, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,11);printf("3.Insert Last Name: ");
            fgets(doct[z].lName, 14, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,12);printf("4. Insert Address: ");
            fgets(doct[z].sAlmt, 29, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,13);printf("5. Insert Birth Date [dd/mm/yyyy]: ");
            fgets(doct[z].sTgl, 14, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,14);printf("6. Sex: ");
            fgets(doct[z].sSex,2, stdin);
            gotoxy(20,15);printf("7. Specialist: ");
            fgets(doct[z].sSpec, 29, stdin);
            //doct[z].sav = 0;
            gotoxy(20,16);printf("\n Input again [y/t]? ");
            scanf("%c", &cLagi);getch();

  11. #11
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > scanf("%c", &cLagi);getch();
    If you're going to use fgets(), then you have to use if for everything.
    Adding random hackery to try and keep the input stream in sync will just make a mess of the code, and probably won't work in the long run.

    Also, mixing in conio functions like getch() isn't likely to help either. There's no reason to believe that conio and stdio are synchronised.
    Meaning that stdio could have buffered something that conio knows nothing about.

    > fgets(doct[z].sNip, 9, stdin);
    If you're going to use fgets(), then use a temporary buffer.
    If your user types in more than 7 characters (plus a newline, plus a \0 for free), then you're all out of sync again.
    char buff[BUFSIZ];
    fgets( buff, sizeof buff, stdin );
    // remove \n, if that is important
    if ( strlen(buff) < 9 ) {
        strcpy( doct[z].sNip, buff );
    } else {
        // error message?
    > when I run my program, the first input "insert NIP" was skipped/I can't input NIP. so, the input start from "First Name".
    That's because some prior scanf() left a \n on the input stream which you haven't accounted for.

    > gotoxy(20,5);
    Until your program is actually finished and WORKING, all this eye candy is a distraction (and a waste of effort). It clutters up the code, and you keep updating it as the rest of the program evolves.
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  12. #12
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    So, I should use if on every input? sorry I never use fgets before.

  13. #13
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The key is consistency.
    A mix-and-match approach using scanf, getchar etc will just lead to problems in the long run.

    > So, I should use if on every input? sorry I never use fgets before.
    Create a small test program, and practice using fgets()
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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