after then the statement printPreorder(node->left) will cause the condition node==null to go after then what happens so that the function prints the leftover nodes in the tree of the above example?? Please help.
That printPreorder will return to main() just like you wrote. But remember, a recursion function uses the function call stack to repeat itself.

So you made a stack of function calls:
printPostorder(root); /* from main() - 1 */
printPostorder(node->left); /* 2 */
printPostorder(node->left); /* 4 */

The call in the stack that will eventually print 4 calls again to end that side of the tree, and then you have to start on the right side since it is the next recursive call.
printPostorder(node->right); /* right of 4 - null */
printPostorder(node->right); /* right of 2 - node 5 */
printPostorder(node->right); /* right of 1 - node 3 */

That done, you start printing values to unwind the entire stack.

I'm pretty sure that the order is that...

Anyway, trace the recursion yourself to prove it.