I am doing a program exercise form c a modern approach chapter 5. I resolved the program to work but then have been playing with it, introduced error checking etc.

My question is can one if result in two assignments?
This is my code.
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    int hour, min, myhour;
    char * postfix;

    printf("Print the time in 24hour format: ");
    scanf("%d:%d", &hour, &min);
    if ((hour < 25 && hour > 0) && (min < 61 && min > 0 )){
            if (hour > 12)
                myhour = (hour - 12) && postfix = "PM";
                myhour = hour && postfix = "AM";

            printf("The time is %.2d:%.2d %s \n", myhour, min, postfix);
                printf("Your input was invalid \n");


    return 0;
Basically the purpose is to convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time. I introduced
if ((hour < 25 && hour > 0) && (min < 61 && min > 0 ))
to make sure my input was valid.

But see my if subsequent to that I want to say if hours is greater than 12 minus 12 from the hours given and assign to myhour variable and assign "PM" to my postfix variable. It's not working I am getting an lvalue error.