//The problem with my programm is when i try to come out of the loop by entering -1 it does not...Plz help me out guys i need help ....
// Puttsardara dey (KAZDAX)

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int avg, gal, drive, cnt ,mg;
cnt = 1;


while ( gal != -1 ){
printf("\nEnter the gallons used ( -1 to end ): ");
scanf("%d", &gal);
printf("\nEnter the miles driven: ");
scanf("%d", &drive);
mg = drive/gal;
printf("\nThe miles / gallon for this tank was %d\n",mg);


if ( gal == -1 ) {
avg = mg/cnt;
printf("\nThe overall average miles/gallon for this tank was %d\n",avg);

return 0;