Odd, one of our more popular tech schools offers introductory to programming with VB.net and has you program a slot machine at the end of the year. Same professor teaches a straight C++ course. And you're in an actual college?

Sorry to get off topic but I can get back on by saying this. Most of what this task is asking of you can be found on this website without asking anyone, the only catch is that you'll have to read a few tutorials and long threads that may go back 6 months to a year on this board and take pieces of info from all sources to get what you're looking for(each person is most likely struggling with maybe 1 or 2 very specific things in each thread).

Look at my join date, and a few of the others here. There's a wealth of knowledge here. Just takes a bit of digging to find it. I find it fun however doing it myself and only asking a question once I start going absolutely over-the-edge insane.