Thread: How to Modify Makefile to Build a Map File

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    How to Modify Makefile to Build a Map File

    Hi all,
    I have a C makefile that I would like to modify such that it produces a mapfile in addition to the regular exe and bin files. I've been googling around but it's still not 100% clear on where and the exact syntax to use. If anyone can look at this Makefile (attached) and suggest what to try, that would be great.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Long Beach, CA
    The meat and potatoes of the build process is right here:
    # rule to build executable
    $(EXEC): $(COBJ) $(SOBJ) $(LDSCRIPT)
            @echo $@
            @..\BuildTools\buildver.bat >$(dir $(EXEC))version.c
            @$(CC) $(RTOSPORT) $(CFLAGS) $(subst +,$(SPACE),$(INCLUDES:%=-I%)) \
                    $(dir $(EXEC))version.c $(CCOUT)$(dir $(EXEC))version.$(OBJEXT)
            @$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$(EXEC) $(SOBJ) $(COBJ) $(dir $(EXEC))version.$(OBJEXT) $(LDFLAGS2)
    There isn't some magic makefile command to produce a map file. It will depend on what compiler you're using, for which you should be able to find the documentation on how to generate map files. All I can tell you is that you probably need to add a line like this somewhere in the snippet above:
            @command_to_produce_map_file $(INPUT_FILES_FOR_MAP)

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