The meat and potatoes of the build process is right here:
# rule to build executable
@echo $@
@..\BuildTools\buildver.bat >$(dir $(EXEC))version.c
@$(CC) $(RTOSPORT) $(CFLAGS) $(subst +,$(SPACE),$(INCLUDES:%=-I%)) \
$(dir $(EXEC))version.c $(CCOUT)$(dir $(EXEC))version.$(OBJEXT)
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$(EXEC) $(SOBJ) $(COBJ) $(dir $(EXEC))version.$(OBJEXT) $(LDFLAGS2)
There isn't some magic makefile command to produce a map file. It will depend on what compiler you're using, for which you should be able to find the documentation on how to generate map files. All I can tell you is that you probably need to add a line like this somewhere in the snippet above:
@command_to_produce_map_file $(INPUT_FILES_FOR_MAP)