Thread: lotto program in c

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    lotto program in c

    Write an algorithm + a program in C that will allow us to play the “LOTTO
    GAME”. For the purpose of the presentation of the assignment, you must be
    able to show some winning outcomes (i.e. no randomness).
    Every Saturday a draw is organized on TV. The “LOTTO GAME” is played as
    Six numbers between 1 and 40 inclusive are generated at random. If a number
    has been generated it is not generated a second time. A player can bet any six
    numbers between 1 and 40 inclusive. The cost for each bet is MRs 20. A player
    can bet as many times as he wishes for each draw. If the player gets all the six
    numbers correct (the order is not important) he wins the jackpot. If more than one
    player wins the six correct numbers the jackpot is shared equally among them.
    The program should be able to record all the players, their bet and the total bet.
    For five, four and three correct (again order is not important) betting consolation
    prizes are awarded. Obviously as the number of correct numbers decreases the
    number of potential winners increases and the prizes decrease also. You should
    make use of functions in your program.
    Each time the game is played a completely new and random set of six
    numbers between 1 and 40 inclusive are generated.

    this my code which i wrote
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void computerGenerator();
    void winningNumbers();
    void inputstring( char *inputptr );
    void printarray(int * arrpt);
    void playChoice();
    void guess();
    void ending();
    char inputarray[512];
    char *inputptr = inputarray;
    int main()
       char start;
       int counter=0;
       char choice;
       int numPlay=0;
       int lotto[6][5];
       int r, c;
       printf("                 Welcome to the lotto game!!\n");
       printf("                 ------- -- --- ----- ------\n\n");
       printf("This game asks you to pick six numbers or if you prefer\n");
       printf("quickpick and then prints the winning number in ascending order\n\n");
       printf("\tAre you ready to start?(y/n)  ", &start);
       scanf("%c", &start);
         if (start == 'y')     // begin if "yes"
             printf("How many games would you like to play? \n");
             scanf("%d", &numPlay);
             system("cls");   // clear screen
             printf(" Would you like to chose your own numbers, or are you lazy and want\n");
             printf(" quick pick instead? \n\n Enter U for user input or Q for quickpick: ");
             scanf("%c", &choice);
          if (choice == 'q')     // begin if "yes"
                  printf("Your quick pick numbers are: \n");
                  printf("---- ----- ---- ------- ----\n");
              for( counter=numPlay; counter > 0;  counter--)
              }//end for
          }    //end if
               printf("Please enter in your 6 numbers: \n");
      for(r=0; r<numPlay; r++)
             for(c=0; c < 6; c++)
               scanf("%d", &lotto[c][r]);
      }  //end for r
      printf("Here are your %d hand-picked numbers:\n", numPlay);
      printf("---- --- ---- - ----------- --------\n");
        for(r=0; r<numPlay; r++)
                for(c=0; c < 6; c++)
                    printf("%2d ", lotto[c][r]);
         }  //end for c
       }// end for
       } //end if
           else                // begin if "no"
              system("cls");   // clear screen
              printf("\t don't want to try my program?\n");    // ending
              printf("\tWho needs you anyway, huh? Go buy a real ticket.\n\n");
              printf("\tAnother project brought to you by Me\n\n");
           }   // end else
       return 0;
    }   //end main
    void inputstring( char *inputptr )
        while ( ( *inputptr++ = getchar() ) != '\n' )
             //printf("%c", (*inputptr));
            //        printf("\n");
            *( --inputptr ) = '\0';
    void computerGenerator()
       int array[6]={0};
       int arrlen;
       arrlen = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);
       for(int x=0; x < arrlen; x++ )
           array[x] = (int) rand()%53+1;
           for(int y=0; y<x; y++)
              if (array[y] == array[x])
                 array[x] = (int) rand()%53+1;
              }  //if()
           }   //for (y)
        }  //for (x)
        // sort array using swap and bubbles
        for(int y=0; y < arrlen-1; y++ )
           for(int x=0; x < arrlen-1; x++ )
              if (array[x] > array[x+1])
                 int temp;
                 temp = array[x];
                 array[x] = array [x+1];
                 array [x+1] =temp;
              }  //
           }   //
        }  //
    }   // end generator
    void winningNumbers()
       int array[6]={0};
       int arrlen;
       arrlen = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);
       for(int x=0; x < arrlen; x++ )
           array[x] = (int) rand()%53+1;
           for(int y=0; y<x; y++)
              if (array[y] == array[x])
                 array[x] = (int) rand()%53+1;
              }  //if()
           }   //for (y)
        }  //for (x)
        // sort array using swap and bubbles
        for(int y=0; y < arrlen-1; y++ )
           for(int x=0; x < arrlen-1; x++ )
              if (array[x] > array[x+1])
                 int temp;
                 temp = array[x];
                 array[x] = array [x+1];
                 array [x+1] =temp;
              }  //
           }   //
        }  //
        printf("\n\nThe winning lotto numbers are: \n");
        printf("--- ------- ----- ------- ---- \n");
    }   // end generator
    void printarray(int*arrpt)
       for (int x=0; x<6; x++)
           printf("%2d ", arrpt[x]);
    }      // end printarray
    void guess()
        int play[6]={0};
        printf("Enter the six numbers you want to play\n");
        printf("Type them in separating by a space\n");
        inputstring( inputptr );
    void ending()
         int iochar;
         printf("\nYour hand-picked numbers are:  ");
         printf( inputarray );

    now am not able to stop duplicate of number in a single go
    and am not able to write the code for the payment
    example if a player win the jackpot the amount of money he wins depending on the number of games he play

  2. #2
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    For the numbers:
    Lotto drops all numbers in a mill in order to scramble them. You can do the same by
    (1) Make an array of size 40 and initialise its elements from 1 to 40 inclusive.
    (2) Use the "rand()" function to generate two indices between 0 and 39 inclusive, and swap the contents associated with these indices.
    (3) Do step (2) several times.
    (4) Consider the first six elements of the array as the winning lotto sequence.
    Devoted my life to programming...

  3. #3
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    thank you for looking in my program.
    can you please write the code for me..
    its been a month since am trying to write the program
    am going mad with the code..
    i have to return my project in 2 days..
    can you please write the code for me..

    thank you.

  4. #4
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Or you could just stop pretending you can program and just admit you're another useless copy/paste programmer who thinks they can get by with google searches and sob stories.

    2004 on this site
    Yet another lottery program
    Apart from throwing in a few random blank lines, the code is the same.

    So how about actually making your OWN program, instead of trying to pass off someone else's work as your own.

    At least then what you post will be your OWN effort, within the limits of your OWN understanding.
    If you're not prepared to do this, just go back to your tutor and tell them you want to drop the course (before you get kicked off it anyway for either cheating or incompetence).
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  5. #5
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vyshant View Post
    thank you for looking in my program.
    can you please write the code for me..
    its been a month since am trying to write the program
    am going mad with the code..
    i have to return my project in 2 days..
    can you please write the code for me..

    thank you.

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    Devoted my life to programming...

  6. #6
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    char randomNums(char * x, char y)
              char z;
              return !0;
               return 0;
    //Start main
    int main(void)
              //Declare variables
                char r1[6], r2[6];
                char i,j;
                char num;
                 char * l;
               //Enter numbers and check conditions
                for(j=0, l=r1;j<2;j++)
                      //Enter input
                   printf("\nEnter six numbers[Between 1 and 40]:\n");
                         if(*(l+i)>40 || *(l+i)<1) num = !0;
                   //Check condition
                   printf("Entered range numbers wrong. So give only between 1 and 40 .\n");
           } while(num);
       for(i=0;i<6 && randomNums(r1,r2[i]);i++);
                      //Display the output
                      printf("YOU WON THE JACKPOT\n");
             printf("Sorry..Better luck next time...\n");
    this one is my own program
    what about helping me in this one

  7. #7
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vyshant View Post
    this one is my own program
    what about helping me in this one
    Of course. Firstly, try to implement what I described in post #2. Then, I believe everything will become clearer.
    Devoted my life to programming...

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Well said!!

    And U know what, the amazing fact is that this person is in my class..!

    Thanks for showing him the right way..

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