Good evening,

This program complies, but right around the program starts reading the file I get the error that weather.exe has stopped working. I am at a loss as to why the program is not working Can anyone see what I have done wrong? Thanks.

#include <stdio.h>

// Declare variables to recieve user input

char cityFileName[20];
int month, day;

int main()

// Prompt user with questions

printf ("What is the month and day of your wedding?\n");
scanf("%d %d", &month, &day);

// Adjusting month and day values to align with array

month = month -1;
day = day - 1;

printf("What file stores your city's temperature data?\n");
scanf("%s", cityFileName);

// Program will open the filename the user inputted

FILE *ifp = fopen(cityFileName,"r");

// Initialize the weather array to recieve temperature averages

float weatherArray[12][31];
int dummyMonth, dummyDay;

for (dummyMonth=0; dummyMonth < 12; dummyMonth++)
       for (dummyDay=0; dummyDay < 31; dummyDay++)
            weatherArray[dummyMonth][dummyDay] = 0;

// Read temperature file and store temperature averages to array

float tempTemp;
int dummyVar;
float tempAverage = 0.0;

fscanf(ifp, "%d", dummyMonth);
printf("AFTER FSCANF\n");

while (dummyMonth!= -1)
        fscanf(ifp, "%d", dummyDay);
        fscanf(ifp, "%d", dummyVar);
        fscanf(ifp, "%f", tempTemp);
        if (tempTemp != -99)
            tempAverage = (tempAverage + tempTemp)/2.0;
            weatherArray [dummyMonth][dummyDay] = tempAverage;
        fscanf(ifp, "%d", dummyMonth);

// Calculate the average temperature for the month of the chosen wedding date

int monthAverageTemp = 0;

    for (dummyDay=0; dummyDay < 31; dummyDay++)
            monthAverageTemp = (monthAverageTemp + weatherArray[month][dummyDay]) / 2;

// Print calculations to the user

printf("The average temperature on your wedding day is %.2f degrees F.\n",

printf("The average temperature on your wedding month is %.2f degrees F.\n",

// Condition that states whether wedding should be held outside or not

if ((weatherArray[month][day] >= 60) && (weatherArray [month][day] <= 75))
    printf("The weather looks good for an outdoor wedding");
    printf("It’s probably best to move the wedding indoors, sorry.");

return 0;
