Thread: K & R Reverse Polish Calculator

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    K & R Reverse Polish Calculator

    Hope fully someone can help me with this one! I can't get my head around one crucial part. Here is the full code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAXOP 100
    #define NUMBER '0'
    /* function prototypes */
    int getop(char []);
    void push(double);
    double pop(void);
    /* reverse Polish calculator */
    	int type;
    	double op2;
    	char s[MAXOP];
    	while ((type = getop(s)) != EOF) {
    		switch(type) {
    		case NUMBER:
    		case '+':
    			push(pop() + pop());
    		case '*':
    			push(pop() * pop());
    		case '-':
    			op2 = pop();
    			push(pop() - op2);
    		case '/':
    			op2 = pop();
    			if(op2 != 0.0)
    				push(pop() / op2);
    				printf("error: zero divisor\n");
    		case '\n' :
    			printf("\t%.8g\n", pop());
    			printf("error: unknown command %s\n", s);
    	return 0;
    #define MAXVAL 100	/* maximum depth of val stack */
    int sp = 0;			/* next free stack position */
    double val[MAXVAL];	/* value stack */
    /* push: push f onto value stack */
    void push(double f)
    	if (sp < MAXVAL)
    		val[sp++] = f;
    		printf("error: stack full, can't push %g\n", f);
    /*pop: pop and return top value from stack */
    double pop(void)
    	if (sp > 0)
    		return val[--sp];
    		printf("error: stack empty\n");
    	return 0.0;
    #include <ctype.h>
    int getch(void);
    void ungetch(int);
    /* getop: get next character or numeric operand */
    int getop(char s[]) /* we pass s[] to getop to store input */
    	int i, c;
    	while ((s[0] = c = getch()) == ' ' || c == '\t')
    	s[1] = '\0';
    	if (!isdigit(c) && c != '.')
    		return c; /* not a number */
    	i = 0;
    	if (isdigit(c)) /* collect integer part */
    		while (isdigit(s[++i] = c = getch()))
    	if (c == '.') /* collect fraction part */
    		while (isdigit(s[++i] = c = getch()))
    	s[i] = '\0';
    	if (c != EOF)
    	return NUMBER;
    #define BUFSIZE 100
    char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* buffer for ungetch */
    int bufp = 0;
    /* getch: the function which actually gets chars! */
    int getch(void) /* get a (possibly pushed-back) character */
    	return (bufp > 0) ? buf[--bufp] : getchar();
    void ungetch(int c) /* push character back in input */
    	if (bufp >= BUFSIZE)
    		printf("ungetch: too many characters\n");
    		buf[bufp++] = c;
    I have problems comprehending the whole getch ungetch section and as a result the getop function. In the book, it says the following:

    "It is often the case that a program cannot determine that it has read enough input until it has read too much. One instance is collecting characters that make up a number: until the first non-digit is seen, the number is not complete. But then the program has read one character too far, a character that it is not prepared for."

    "The problem would be solved if it were possible to "un-read" the unwanted character. Then, every time the program reads one character too many, it could push it back on the input so the rest of the code could behave as if it had never been read."

    Apparently this is what getch and ungetch do. Can someone please explain with a simple example what exactly this pushing back is? i.e. an example of when it is useful/applicable and what it involves? I can't for the life of me get my head around it in the K & R example.



    P.S Loving the new code display! Great improvement to the board! Makes code infinitely more readable. Kudos!
    Last edited by BIOS; 09-28-2011 at 03:03 PM.

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