Thread: Doubly Linked List Segmentation Fault

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Doubly Linked List Segmentation Fault

    So i've never really worked with doubly linked lists in terms of coding, and I didn't do great with singly linked lists either. I have it all coded out but it's giving me a segmentation fault when I run it. I have looked over all my code and have no idea whats wrong, in add event i malloc one node of space then find where to add it and add it. i only add 1 per call to add event so that shouldnt be an issue. is there an initial part im missing when you first start the list?

    [note all of the variables and definitions you see that aren't in the code are in one of the 2 external files if u need more info from them to help let me know.

    struct event_list
    	/** Type of event. */
    	event_type          event;
    	/** User or device causing the event. */
    	int                 agent;
    	/** Time event occurs. */
    	struct time_type    time;
    	/** Next event node in list. */
    	struct event_list*  prev;
    	/** Previous event node in list. */
    	struct event_list*  next;
    typedef struct event_list event_list;
    extern event_list*    Event_List;  ///< Pointer to head of event list
    void Add_Event( int event, int agent, struct time_type* time )
                   //Header points to the head of the list.
                  event_list* header = Event_List;
                  event_list* temp;
                  temp = malloc(sizeof(event_list));
                  temp->event = event;
                  temp->agent = agent;
                  temp->time.nanosec = time->nanosec;
                  temp->time.seconds = time->seconds;
                  temp->next = NULL;
                  temp->prev = NULL;
                        // header = temp;
                         Event_List = temp;
                  //While header is not the last node in the list.
                      //First compare the temporary nodes seconds to the header's seconds. If they are the same:
                      //compare nanoseconds of each node, if we enter the loop then temp precedes header.
                      if(temp->time.seconds < header->time.seconds || (temp->time.seconds == header->time.seconds && temp->time.nanosec <= header->time.nanosec))                        
                               //Make temp the new head of the list.
                               //temp->next now pointts to header.          
                               if(header->prev = NULL)
                                  header->prev = temp;
                                  temp->next = header;
                                  temp->prev = NULL;  
                                  Event_List = temp; 
                                  header = NULL;         
                                  //Insert into the middle of the list.
                                    header->prev->next = temp;
                                    temp->prev = header->prev;
                                    header->prev = temp;
                                    temp->next = header;
                                    header = NULL;         
                      }//end outer if
                //Inserting at the end of the list temp->previous is set as header.      
               else if(header->next == NULL)
                 header->next = temp;
                 temp->prev = header;
                 temp->next = NULL;
                 header = NULL;
               //Advance the header to the next node in the list.
               }//end while

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ontario Canada
    One little tip that may help you sort this out... you have two very similar names going on here... Event_List and event_list ... the first refers to your entire list the second refers to one event in the list... Rename the single event Event_Item throughout your code... then look at your code again.

    Hint: One of the very best debugging tools you can have are the names of your variables.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Aug 2010
    I can't, that stuff in the headers was given to me and im not allowed to alter it.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Aug 2010
    through commenting out sections ive narrowed the segmentation fault down to this part:

      if(header->prev == NULL)
                                  header->prev = temp;
                                  temp->next = header;
                                  temp->prev = NULL;  
                                  Event_List = temp; 
                                  header = NULL;         
                                  //Insert into the middle of the list.
                                    header->prev->next = temp;
                                    temp->prev = header->prev;
                                    header->prev = temp;
                                    temp->next = header;
                                    header = NULL;         

  5. #5
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    if(header->prev = NULL)
    = vs ==

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    yup. almost got the output right just a few more tweaks thanks for the help

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