I'm just in the beginning stages of my code and already I'm in trouble.
The part that I'm working on is supposed to read a map into a 2d array, and I wanted to print out the array to see if I got the whole thing.
However, when I print it out, I get everything except for the half of the last line.

Here is my code so far:
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXROW 50
#define MAXCOL 100

main ()
int Row_Num, Col_Num;
char Moves[50];
int ctr_Row, ctr_Col;

scanf ("%d %d", &Row_Num, &Col_Num);
if ((Row_Num<=MAXROW)&&(Col_Num<=MAXCOL))
printf ("%d %d\n", Row_Num, Col_Num);
for (ctr_Row=0;ctr_Row<Row_Num;ctr_Row++)
for (ctr_Col=0;ctr_Col<Col_Num;ctr_Col++)
scanf ("%c", &Map[ctr_Row][ctr_Col]);
for (ctr_Row=0;ctr_Row<Row_Num;ctr_Row++)
for (ctr_Col=0;ctr_Col<Col_Num;ctr_Col++)
printf ("%c", Map[ctr_Row][ctr_Col]);
printf ("\n");
printf ("%d %d", ctr_Row, ctr_Col);
return 0;
and when I run the prog, the counters all come out correct, so what gives? Any help is greatly appreciated.
