Hi guys, I've googled around the web for some time now trying to find why my EOF doesn't work.

I'm supposed to write a function, and I'm mostly curious to why EOF doesn't work.
The program reads in the text-file in a different function.
int las_data(FILE *tsin, struct seriepost serie[])
	int a = 0;
	int i = -1;
	int c = 1;
	float tal;
	int antal_tal = 0;
	int antal_tal_totalt = 0;
	int loop_continue = 1;
	int n;

	Totnr = Sum of all numbers
	outnr = How many numbers that are over or below 5% of 200
	medel = average

	serie[20].totnr = 0;
	fscanf(tsin, "%f", &tal);
	while (tal != EOF && a != 20 && loop_continue == 1)
		serie[a].totnr = 0;
		serie[a].outnr = 0;
		serie[a].medel = 0;
		while (tal != 0.0)
			//Write in the number
			//Check if number is 0
			serie[a].totnr = serie[a].totnr + tal;
			if (tal > 231 || tal < 209)
				serie[a].outnr = serie[a].outnr + 1;

			fscanf(tsin, "%f", &tal);
			//printf("Serie%d Tal: %.2f\n",a,tal);
			//Go back to while loop
		if (tal == 0.0)
			//Count average etc
			//Removes 0 from average
			antal_tal = antal_tal - 1;
			if (antal_tal == 0)
				antal_tal = 2;
			serie[a].medel = serie[a].totnr / (float)antal_tal;
			antal_tal_totalt = antal_tal_totalt + antal_tal;
			antal_tal = 0;

		fscanf(tsin, "%f", &tal);
		loop_continue = (int)tal;
		if (loop_continue != EOF) // THIS IS WHERE IT ONLY RETURNS 0
			loop_continue = 1;
			loop_continue = 0;

		//Jumps back to loop
	while(c == 1) //Only for testing
		scanf("%d", &c);
	return a;
I translated most of the comments in the program, the comments with //printf are just for testing.
It always goes to 20.