Thread: hangman need help with strings and pointers

  1. #1

    hangman need help with strings and pointers

    I need some help with my code as I’m not very familiar with strings and pointers. I need to have 6 functions in my code. So far I have only written 3. I now need a function to

    a) Check if the guessed letter is in the word
    b) Compare the word after every guess with the inputted word.
    The problem is I must use pointers to search the string and compare the strings

    /* Program that uses pointers and functions to create a simple 2 player version of hangman. Player 1 enters a 9 letter word, which has to be guessed by player 2. The 9 letter word entered by player 1 is to be displayed initially using 9 asterisks(*). As a correct letter is guessed, it replaces the asterisk at its proper location in the word. 3 wrong guesses and player two loses. If player 2 completes the word with less than 3 wrong guesses, s/he wins. The user is given the choice of quitting or playing again after every go. */

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define MAXSIZE 9

    void intro( );
    void get_data (char *data);
    char get_letter( );
    void check_letter(char *data, char c, int * mistakes);
    void output();
    void main( )

    char word[MAXSIZE], guess;
    int miss = 0;

    intro ( ) ;
    get_data (data);

    while (miss < 3)
    guess = get_letter();
    check_letter(data, guess, &miss);
    return 0;

    /* FUNCTIONS*/

    void intro()
    printf(" ********************************************\n");
    printf("Hangman \n");
    printf(" ********************************************\n\n") ;
    printf("Welcome to my game. Try to guess the word in the fewest possible goes. 3 wrong letter guesses and you lose! \n\n");

    void get_data (char *data)
    printf("Player 1, input 9 letter word for the other player to guess>");
    scanf(“%c”, data)

    printf(“ Error, invalid input. Enter a 9 letter word only\n”);
    scanf(“%c”, data)
    return data;

    char get_letter( )
    char c;

    printf(“Guess a Letter>\n”);
    while ( getchar() != '\n' );
    scanf ( "%c", &c );
    return c;

    void check_letter(char word[MAXSIZE], char c, int *mistakes)
    int i = 0, m = 0, n = 0;

    if (word[i] != c)
    m += 1;
    printf("%c", c);
    n += 1;
    i += 1;

    }while(i <= strlen(word));
    *mistakes = m;

    printf("You uncovered %d letters\n\n", n);

  2. #2
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    Well, for checking if the guessed letter is in the word, you should use the strchr function. The following code example is taken directly out of the MSDN Library and illustrates the use of this function:

    /* STRCHR.C: This program illustrates searching for a character
     * with strchr (search forward) or strrchr (search backward).
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int  ch = 'r';
    char string[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
    char fmt1[] =   "         1         2         3         4         5";
    char fmt2[] =   "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
    void main( void )
       char *pdest;
       int result;
       printf( "String to be searched: \n\t\t%s\n", string );
       printf( "\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\n", fmt1, fmt2 );
       printf( "Search char:\t%c\n", ch );
       /* Search forward. */
       pdest = strchr( string, ch );
       result = pdest - string + 1;
       if( pdest != NULL )
          printf( "Result:\tfirst %c found at position %d\n\n", 
                  ch, result );
          printf( "Result:\t%c not found\n" );
       /* Search backward. */
       pdest = strrchr( string, ch );
       result = pdest - string + 1;
       if( pdest != NULL )
          printf( "Result:\tlast %c found at position %d\n\n", ch, result );
          printf( "Result:\t%c not found\n" );
    String to be searched: 
          The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
                   1         2         3         4         5
    Search char:   r
    Result:   first r found at position 12
    Result:   last r found at position 30
    As you can see, it uses pointers so this should be acceptable for your use.
    "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods."
    -Christopher Hitchens

  3. #3
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    Mar 2002

    Re: hangman need help with strings and pointers

    Last edited by Nit; 03-27-2002 at 09:16 AM.

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