I've been working on this program for a good couple of weeks between my work hours.

The challenge in the book was:
Build a number guessing game that uses input validation (isdigit function) to verify that the user has entered a digit and not a non-digit (letter).

The following is the best I could come up with.

You'll notice that I ask the user to input their guess twice, once to assign to an integer and once to a character because I had no idea how to effectively convert the character to an integer.

This is the first proper game I have made with C so please feel free to point out any rookie errors :>

Any suggestions as to how to improve the code from here?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main()

    int iRandomNum = 0;
    char cResponse = '\0';
    int dResponse = 0;

iRandomNum = (rand()%10)+1;

    printf("iRandomNum= %d\n",iRandomNum);
    printf("please enter a digit\n");

    printf("One more time?\n");
    printf("cResponse= %c\n",cResponse);

if (isdigit (cResponse)==0)
    printf("letter was inserted, please enter a number next time\n");
    printf("iRandomNum= %d, this is a digit.\n",iRandomNum,", \n");

if (dResponse == iRandomNum)
    printf(" well done!");

else {
        printf("you lose\n");
        printf("You guessed cResponse= %c\n",cResponse);
        printf("You should have guessed %d",iRandomNum);}