I have wrote the programming code that converts english to morse, but how do i go back the other way. This function does not read or write to files.

void morse_code_letters(char morse_strings[91][6])
	//morse code letters using string copy
	strcpy (morse_strings['A'], ".-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['B'], "-...");
	strcpy (morse_strings['C'], " -.-.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['D'], "-..  ");
	strcpy (morse_strings['E'], ".");
	strcpy (morse_strings['F'], "..-.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['G'], "--.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['H'], "....");
	strcpy (morse_strings['I'], "..");
	strcpy (morse_strings['J'], ".---");
	strcpy (morse_strings['K'], "-.-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['L'], ".-..");
	strcpy (morse_strings['M'], "--");
	strcpy (morse_strings['N'], "-.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['O'], "---");
	strcpy (morse_strings['P'], ".--.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['Q'], "--.-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['R'], ".-.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['S'], "...");
	strcpy (morse_strings['T'], "-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['U'], "..-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['V'], "...-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['W'], ".--");
	strcpy (morse_strings['X'], "-..-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['Y'], "-.--");
	strcpy (morse_strings['Z'], "--..");
	// morse code numbers using string copy
	strcpy (morse_strings['1'], ".----");
	strcpy (morse_strings['2'], "..---");
	strcpy (morse_strings['3'], "...--");
	strcpy (morse_strings['4'], "....-");
	strcpy (morse_strings['5'], ".....");
	strcpy (morse_strings['6'], "-....");
	strcpy (morse_strings['7'], "--...");
	strcpy (morse_strings['8'], "---..");
	strcpy (morse_strings['9'], "----.");
	strcpy (morse_strings['0'], "-----");
	// morse code characters using string copy
	strcpy (morse_strings['.'], ".-.-.-");
	strcpy (morse_strings[','], "--..--");
	strcpy (morse_strings['?'], "..--..");
	strcpy (morse_strings[' '], " ");

char* letter_to_morse(char *morseTester1, char morse_strings[91][6])
	int len = strlen(morseTester1);
	char *result = malloc(len * 6 + 1);
    int i;

	*result = NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		strcat(result, morse_strings[toupper( morseTester1[i++])]);
	return result;
NOTE: char *morseTester1 = "Hello world"

I need to know how to convert from morse to english
