Ia m not from the US or the UK or any other country that has English as their native language, so please forgive me if i made any grammar errors.

MY teacher gave me a task to do at home:
I need to create a simple calculator that does the basic stuff like + - * /, but it also has to repsect the order of calculation; for ex. if I type 2+3*5-5 it will first do the * and then the + & -. And it mustn't do the operations 1 by 1 as they are inputed, it has to do the entire equasion at once so it must allow the input of more numbers and operations until the user hits the button = and when the user hits the button = the calc gives out the solution. I hope u all understood me.

I kinda suck at programming so I'm asking any of you guys if you could help me in any way possible. I'm nopt asking for you to do the program for me i'm just asking if any1 had any ideas on how i could do this. but if any1 could find the spare time to write me the program i woul dbe forever grateful ))