Guys, I am a programming newbie so I need your help
I have written a program that generates a grid of 20 x20 random numbers. I need to insert 20 randomly distributed empty spaces into the grid.
My problem is, I have used the following array to insert the spaces but when I run the program I dont get the spaces. I get the number 32 in place of the spaces.

n = 20;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		array1[rand()%ROWS][rand()%COLS] = ' ';

			printf("%d", array1[r][c]);
this is the bit of the code where spaces are meant to be generated

I know 32 is the ASCII code for the space character, but thats not what I want.How can I display the actual character in the grid rather than the code?

Thanks in advance guys, your help will be much appreciated.