
i already googled it but i couldn't found an adequate answer so here it goes.

Im trying to replace the instruction:

sprintf (command, "rename %s_TypeA_%04d %s_TypeA_%04d.yuv\n", videofile, i, videofile, i);

which is a windows system command to rename files and i intend to run it for a long sequence of frames.
The objective here is to replace the manually inserted %04d for a variable which tells you the length of the sufix, something like as follows:

sprintf (command, "rename %s_TypeA_%0%dd %s_Base_%0%dd.yuv\n", videofile, i, sufix, videofile, i, sufix);

I cant get this working as it returns an error at output.c "Unhandled exception at 0x6642984f (msvcr90d.dll) in my_program.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000001."

I am hoping that someone can give me an advice to solve this.