Hi, the function binsearch doesn't work properly, i dont know why, it doesn't find the word "int" in the array, with the simplest, but slowest search function it find it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXWORD 100

struct key {
	char *word;
    	int count;
} keytab[] = {
	"int", 0,
	"for", 0,
    	"break", 0,
    	"case", 0,
    	"char", 0,
    	"const", 0,
    	"continue", 0,
    	"default", 0,
    	"unsigned", 0,
    	"void", 0,
    	"volatile", 0,
    	"while", 0

#define NKEYS (sizeof keytab / sizeof(struct key))

int binsearch(char *, struct key *, int);
int search(char *word, struct key tab[], int n);

/* count C keywords */
int main(void)
	struct key *p = keytab;
	char *word = "ddog";
	int n;
	//n = search(word, p, NKEYS);
	n  = binsearch(word, p, NKEYS);
	printf("n=%d\n", n);

    	return 0;
/* binsearch: find word in tab[0]...tab[n-1] */
int binsearch(char *word, struct key tab[], int n)
    int cond;
    int low, high, mid;
    low = 0;
    high = n - 1;
    while (low <= high) {
        mid = (low+high) / 2;
	cond = strcmp(word, tab[mid].word); printf("cond=%d\n", cond);
        if (cond < 0)
             high = mid - 1;
        else if (cond > 0)
             low = mid + 1;
             return mid;
    return -1;

int search(char *word, struct key tab[], int n)
	for ( n-=1; n >= 0; n--) {
		if (!strcmp(word, tab[n].word))
			return n;
	return -1;