Thread: Pong Game - Trouble using sockets

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Pong Game - Trouble using sockets

    I've been working on this project for over a week (giving it time when I have it). This is the first time posting on a forum for help (I can usually figure things out). What I need this to do is have two players play the game pong with one another over the internet. One player (the first one) is the "server" and the second player is the "client" and that is the relationship both instances have. I just got into sockets a couple weeks ago and am having a lot of difficulty understanding exactly how to use them for this (been reading a couple unix books and googling). I'm trying to figure out how to get the ball information when it hits the "net" (that shows up on both screens) through the socket to the other instance of the program running so that the ball will show up on the other player's court (each player only sees their side of the court).

    Server player calls program with 1 argument (the port number) and the client player calls the program with 2 arguments (the server address and port number).

    Yes, this was a project that was due this past Thursday. My professor would still like to see me do this. (It was for an independent study course)

    This code is primarily being run on a solaris server and I telnet in. I also run it on ubuntu.

    I apologize for not cutting down the code at all, but I couldn't figure out a way that would make it easier to read. Any and all help/suggestions are appreciated!

    #include	<curses.h>
    #include	<signal.h>
    #include	"bounce.h"
    #include	<stdlib.h>
    #include	<stdio.h>
    #include	<unistd.h>
    #include	<sys/types.h>
    #include	<sys/socket.h>
    #include	<netinet/in.h>
    #include	<netdb.h>
    #include	<time.h>
    #include	<strings.h>
    #include	<fcntl.h>
    struct ppball the_ball;
    struct pppaddle the_paddle;
    char	horizwall[] = "---------------------------------------------------------------";
    char	halfhorizwall[] = "-------------------------------";
    char	vertwall[]  = "|";
    char	net[]  = ".";
    int	balls_left = 3;
    /**  the main loop  **/
    int get_rand(int, int);
    void set_up();
    void client_set_up();
    void server_set_up();
    void serve();
    void client_serve();
    void server_serve();
    void wrap_up();
    #define   oops(msg)      { perror(msg) ; exit(1) ; }
    int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    	int	c;
    	if( argc == 2 ) // is server
    		struct  sockaddr_in   saddr;
    		struct	hostent		*hp;
    		char	hostname[256];
    		int	sock_id,sock_fd,flags;
    		FILE	*sock_fp;
    		sock_id = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );    /* get a socket */
    		if ( sock_id == -1 ) 
    			oops( "socket" );
    		bzero( (void *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr) ); /* clear out struct     */
    		gethostname( hostname, 256 );
    		hp = gethostbyname( hostname );
    		bcopy( (void *)hp->h_addr, (void *)&saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_length);
    		saddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
    		saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    		if ( bind(sock_id, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) != 0 )
    			oops( "bind" );
    		if ( listen(sock_id, 1) != 0 ) 
    			oops( "listen" );
    		while ( 1 ){
    			sock_fd = accept(sock_id, NULL, NULL); 
    			printf("Wow! got a call!\n");
    			if ( sock_fd == -1 )
    				oops( "accept" );  
    			flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL, 0);
    			flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
    			fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, flags);
    			sock_fp = fdopen(sock_fd,"w");
    			if ( sock_fp == NULL ) 
    				oops( "fdopen" );
    			fprintf( sock_fp, "Client connected to the server!\n" );
    			switch ( fork() ) {
    			case -1:
    			case 0:
    				while( balls_left > 0 && ( c = getchar()) != 'Q' ){
    					if ( c == 'j' )	     paddle_down();
    					else if ( c == 'k' ) paddle_up();
    				fclose( sock_fp );			
    	else if( argc == 3 ) // is client
    		struct sockaddr_in  servadd;
    		struct hostent      *hp;
    		int    sock_id, sock_fd;
    		char   message[BUFSIZ];
    		int    messlen;
    		int    i;
    		sock_id = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );    /* get a line   */
    		if ( sock_id == -1 ) 
    			oops( "socket" );
    		bzero( &servadd, sizeof( servadd ) ); 
    		hp = gethostbyname( argv[1] ); 
    		bcopy(hp->h_addr, (struct sockaddr *)&servadd.sin_addr, hp->h_length);
    		servadd.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
    		servadd.sin_family = AF_INET;
    		if ( connect(sock_id,(struct sockaddr *)&servadd, sizeof(servadd)) !=0)
    			oops( "connect" );
    		messlen = read(sock_id, message, BUFSIZ); 
    		if ( messlen == - 1 )
    	       		oops("read") ;
    		if ( write( 1, message, messlen ) != messlen )
    	       		oops( "write" ); 
    		while( balls_left > 0 && ( c = getchar()) != 'Q' ){
    			if ( c == 'j' )	     paddle_down();
    			else if ( c == 'k' ) paddle_up();
    		close( sock_id ); 
    		printf("Playing regular pong!\n");
    		while( balls_left > 0 && ( c = getchar()) != 'Q' ){
    			if ( c == 'j' )	     paddle_down();
    			else if ( c == 'k' ) paddle_up();
    void set_up()
     *	init structure and other stuff
    	int	i;
    	/* Building walls */
    	for( i = 5; i < 21; i++ )
    void client_set_up()
     *	init structure and other stuff
    	int	i;
    	/* Building walls */
    	for( i = 5; i < 21; i++ )
    void server_set_up()
     *	init structure and other stuff
    	int	i;
    	/* Building walls */
    	for( i = 5; i < 21; i++ )
    void serve()
    	void	ball_move(int);
    	/* Random values for initial position and speed */
    	//int y_pos_r = ( rand() % (19 - 6 + 1) + 6 );
    	int y_pos_r = get_rand(6, 19);
    	int x_pos_r = get_rand(11, 68);
    	int y_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	int x_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	the_ball.y_pos = y_pos_r;
    	the_ball.x_pos = x_pos_r;
    	the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm = y_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm = x_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.y_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.x_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.symbol = DFL_SYMBOL;
    	signal( SIGINT , SIG_IGN );
    	mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol  );
    	signal( SIGALRM, ball_move );
    	set_ticker( 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC );	/* send millisecs per tick */
    void client_serve()
    	void	client_ball_move(int);
    	/* Random values for initial position and speed */
    	//int y_pos_r = ( rand() % (19 - 6 + 1) + 6 );
    	int y_pos_r = get_rand(6, 19);
    	int x_pos_r = get_rand(11, 38);
    	int y_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	int x_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	the_ball.y_pos = y_pos_r;
    	the_ball.x_pos = x_pos_r;
    	the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm = y_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm = x_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.y_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.x_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.symbol = DFL_SYMBOL;
    	signal( SIGINT , SIG_IGN );
    	mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol  );
    	signal( SIGALRM, client_ball_move );
    	set_ticker( 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC );	/* send millisecs per tick */
    void server_serve()
    	void	server_ball_move(int);
    	/* Random values for initial position and speed */
    	//int y_pos_r = ( rand() % (19 - 6 + 1) + 6 );
    	int y_pos_r = get_rand(6, 19);
    	int x_pos_r = get_rand(31, 58);
    	int y_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	int x_ttm_r = get_rand(4, 16);
    	the_ball.y_pos = y_pos_r;
    	the_ball.x_pos = x_pos_r;
    	the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm = y_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm = x_ttm_r ;
    	the_ball.y_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.x_dir = 1  ;
    	the_ball.symbol = DFL_SYMBOL;
    	signal( SIGINT , SIG_IGN );
    	mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol  );
    	signal( SIGALRM, server_ball_move );
    	set_ticker( 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC );	/* send millisecs per tick */
    void wrap_up()
    	set_ticker( 0 );
    	endwin();		/* put back to normal	*/
    int get_rand(int min, int max)
    	return ( rand() % (max - min + 1) + min );
    void ball_move(int signum)
    	int	y_cur, x_cur, moved;
    	signal( SIGALRM , SIG_IGN );		/* dont get caught now 	*/
    	y_cur = the_ball.y_pos ;		/* old spot		*/
    	x_cur = the_ball.x_pos ;
    	moved = 0 ;
    	if ( the_ball.y_ttm > 0 && the_ball.y_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.y_pos += the_ball.y_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( the_ball.x_ttm > 0 && the_ball.x_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.x_pos += the_ball.x_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( moved ){
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol );
    		if( bounce_or_lose( &the_ball ) == -1 ){
    			mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, BLANK );
    	signal( SIGALRM, ball_move);		/* for unreliable systems */
    void client_ball_move(int signum)
    	int	y_cur, x_cur, moved;
    	signal( SIGALRM , SIG_IGN );		/* dont get caught now 	*/
    	y_cur = the_ball.y_pos ;		/* old spot		*/
    	x_cur = the_ball.x_pos ;
    	moved = 0 ;
    	if ( the_ball.y_ttm > 0 && the_ball.y_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.y_pos += the_ball.y_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( the_ball.x_ttm > 0 && the_ball.x_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.x_pos += the_ball.x_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( moved ){
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol );
    		if( client_bounce_or_lose( &the_ball ) == -1 ){
    			mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, BLANK );
    	signal( SIGALRM, client_ball_move);	/* for unreliable systems */
    void server_ball_move(int signum)
    	int	y_cur, x_cur, moved;
    	signal( SIGALRM , SIG_IGN );		/* dont get caught now 	*/
    	y_cur = the_ball.y_pos ;		/* old spot		*/
    	x_cur = the_ball.x_pos ;
    	moved = 0 ;
    	if ( the_ball.y_ttm > 0 && the_ball.y_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.y_pos += the_ball.y_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( the_ball.x_ttm > 0 && the_ball.x_ttg-- == 1 ){
    		the_ball.x_pos += the_ball.x_dir ;	/* move	*/
    		the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm  ;	/* reset*/
    		moved = 1;
    	if ( moved ){
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
    		mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol );
    		if( server_bounce_or_lose( &the_ball ) == -1 ){
    			mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, BLANK );
    	signal( SIGALRM, server_ball_move);	/* for unreliable systems */
    int bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *bp)
    	int	return_val = 0 ;
    	if ( bp->y_pos == TOP_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = 1 ; 
    		return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->y_pos == BOT_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = -1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1;
    	if ( bp->x_pos == LEFT_EDGE ){
    		bp->x_dir = 1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->x_pos == RIGHT_EDGE ){
    		if( paddle_contact(bp->y_pos,bp->x_pos) == 0 ){
    			bp->x_dir = -1;
    			the_ball.y_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    			the_ball.x_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    	       		return_val = 1;	// still in!
    			return_val = -1; // lose!
    	return return_val;
    int client_bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *bp)
    	int	return_val = 0 ;
    	if ( bp->y_pos == TOP_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = 1 ; 
    		return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->y_pos == BOT_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = -1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1;
    	if ( bp->x_pos == CLIENT_LEFT_EDGE ){
    		bp->x_dir = 1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->x_pos == CLIENT_RIGHT_EDGE ){
    		if( client_paddle_contact(bp->y_pos,bp->x_pos) == 0 ){
    			bp->x_dir = -1;
    			the_ball.y_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    			the_ball.x_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    	       		return_val = 1;	// still in!
    			return_val = -1; // lose!
    	return return_val;
    int server_bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *bp)
    	int	return_val = 0 ;
    	if ( bp->y_pos == TOP_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = 1 ; 
    		return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->y_pos == BOT_ROW ){
    		bp->y_dir = -1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1;
    	if ( bp->x_pos == SERVER_RIGHT_EDGE ){
    		bp->x_dir = -1 ;
    	       	return_val = 1 ;
    	} else if ( bp->x_pos == SERVER_LEFT_EDGE ){
    		if( server_paddle_contact(bp->y_pos,bp->x_pos) == 0 ){
    			bp->x_dir = 1;
    			the_ball.y_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    			the_ball.x_ttm = get_rand(4, 16);
    	       		return_val = 1;	// still in!
    			return_val = -1; // lose!
    	return return_val;
    #include	"bounce.h"
    #include	<curses.h>
    struct pppaddle the_paddle;
    int i, j;
    	the_paddle.pad_char = PAD_SYMBOL;
    	/* top paddle >= row 5 and bottom paddle <= row 20 */
    	/* paddle col = 70 */
    	the_paddle.pad_col = 71;
    	the_paddle.pad_top = 10;
    	the_paddle.pad_bot = 15;
    	i = the_paddle.pad_top;
    	for( i; i <= the_paddle.pad_bot; i++ ){
    		mvaddch(i, the_paddle.pad_col, the_paddle.pad_char);
    	the_paddle.pad_char = PAD_SYMBOL;
    	/* top paddle >= row 5 and bottom paddle <= row 20 */
    	/* paddle col = 39 */
    	the_paddle.pad_col = 40;
    	the_paddle.pad_top = 10;
    	the_paddle.pad_bot = 15;
    	i = the_paddle.pad_top;
    	for( i; i <= the_paddle.pad_bot; i++ ){
    		mvaddch(i, the_paddle.pad_col, the_paddle.pad_char);
    	the_paddle.pad_char = PAD_SYMBOL;
    	/* top paddle >= row 5 and bottom paddle <= row 20 */
    	/* paddle col = 31 */
    	the_paddle.pad_col = 30;
    	the_paddle.pad_top = 10;
    	the_paddle.pad_bot = 15;
    	i = the_paddle.pad_top;
    	for( i; i <= the_paddle.pad_bot; i++ ){
    		mvaddch(i, the_paddle.pad_col, the_paddle.pad_char);
    	if( the_paddle.pad_top >= 6 ){	
    		mvaddch(the_paddle.pad_bot, the_paddle.pad_col, BLANK);
    		i = the_paddle.pad_top;
    		for( i; i <= the_paddle.pad_bot; i++ ){
    			mvaddch(i, the_paddle.pad_col, the_paddle.pad_char);
    	if( the_paddle.pad_bot < 20 ){	
    		mvaddch(the_paddle.pad_top, the_paddle.pad_col, BLANK);
    		i = the_paddle.pad_top;
    		for( i; i <= the_paddle.pad_bot; i++ ){
    			mvaddch(i, the_paddle.pad_col, the_paddle.pad_char);
    paddle_contact(y, x)
    	/* Returns 0 if true and 1 if false */
    	if( x == 70 ){
    		j = the_paddle.pad_top;
    		for( j; j <= the_paddle.pad_bot; j++ ){
    			if( y == j ){	
    				return 0;
    	return -1;
    client_paddle_contact(y, x)
    	/* Returns 0 if true and 1 if false */
    	if( x == 39 ){
    		j = the_paddle.pad_top;
    		for( j; j <= the_paddle.pad_bot; j++ ){
    			if( y == j ){	
    				return 0;
    	return -1;
    server_paddle_contact(y, x)
    	/* Returns 0 if true and 1 if false */
    	if( x == 31 ){
    		j = the_paddle.pad_top;
    		for( j; j <= the_paddle.pad_bot; j++ ){
    			if( y == j ){	
    				return 0;
    	return -1;
    #include	<stdio.h>
    #include        <sys/time.h>
    #include        <signal.h>
     *      set_ticker.c
     *          set_ticker( number_of_milliseconds )
     *                   arranges for the interval timer to issue
     *                   SIGALRM's at regular intervals
     *          returns -1 on error, 0 for ok
     *      arg in milliseconds, converted into micro seoncds
    set_ticker( n_msecs )
            struct itimerval new_timeset;
            long    n_sec, n_usecs;
            n_sec = n_msecs / 1000 ;
            n_usecs = ( n_msecs % 1000 ) * 1000L ;
            new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec  = n_sec;        /* set reload  */
            new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec = n_usecs;      /* new ticker value */
            new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec     = n_sec  ;      /* store this   */
            new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec    = n_usecs ;     /* and this     */
    	return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new_timeset, NULL);
    /* bounce.h			*/
    /* some settings for the game	*/
    #define	BLANK			' '
    #define	DFL_SYMBOL		'o'
    #define PAD_SYMBOL		'#'
    #define	TOP_ROW			5
    #define	BOT_ROW 		20
    #define	LEFT_EDGE		10
    #define	CLIENT_LEFT_EDGE	10
    #define	SERVER_LEFT_EDGE	30
    #define	RIGHT_EDGE		70
    #define	CLIENT_RIGHT_EDGE	40
    #define	SERVER_RIGHT_EDGE	60
    #define	X_INIT			10		/* starting col		*/
    #define	Y_INIT			10		/* starting row		*/
    #define	TICKS_PER_SEC		50		/* affects speed	*/
    #define	X_TTM			5
    #define	Y_TTM			8
    /** the ping pong ball **/
    struct ppball{
    		int	y_pos, x_pos,
    			y_ttm, x_ttm,
    			y_ttg, x_ttg,
    			y_dir, x_dir;
    		char	symbol ;
    /** the ping pong paddle **/
    struct pppaddle{
    		int	pad_top, pad_bot, pad_col;
    		char	pad_char;
    makefile script
    gcc -o netpong netpong.c paddle.c set_ticker.c -lcurses -lsocket -lnsl
    Last edited by dgb612; 05-14-2011 at 09:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ontario Canada
    Well, I'm not going to study all that code over what seems like a simple enough problem...

    The server is in charge of the ball's position and streams coordinates to the client which draws it's own ball.
    Each player is in charge of his own paddle position and sends coordinates to the other machine when it's moved.

    Shouldn't be all that hard to work out...

    And btw... both players should see the whole court, not just their half.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    Well, I'm not going to study all that code over what seems like a simple enough problem...

    The server is in charge of the ball's position and streams coordinates to the client which draws it's own ball.
    Each player is in charge of his own paddle position and sends coordinates to the other machine when it's moved.

    Shouldn't be all that hard to work out...

    And btw... both players should see the whole court, not just their half.
    One of the requirements for the project was to have each player only see their half of the court (doesn't make sense to me either). I believe I understand what I need to do, but I am having trouble getting started. Could anyone help me out with a small code example?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by dgb612 View Post
    One of the requirements for the project was to have each player only see their half of the court (doesn't make sense to me either). I believe I understand what I need to do, but I am having trouble getting started. Could anyone help me out with a small code example?
    You need to sit down and "be the problem"... work out what steps have to be taken to get the result you want. The finer the granularity of your analysis the better. Then you can move on to some sort of project planning (each of us does this in our own way). Then once you fully understand the problem and it's solution, you can start planning your code... and then finally sit down and start writing it.

    As Quzah and a couple of others here are fond of pointing out... If you can't describe the problem in words then you don't understand it well enough to write the code.

    And as I'm want to opine: There isn't a programmer on this planet who can code the solution to a problem he does not understand.

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    Create some small test programs to simulate some small aspect of the problem.

    For example;
    server sends out a stream of ball positions
    each client just prints "visible" or "invisible" depending on whether it thinks it should be showing the ball (or not).
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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    By Leeman_s in forum Game Programming
    Replies: 2
    Last Post: 01-11-2003, 04:44 PM
  4. PONG as my first game
    By program man in forum Game Programming
    Replies: 20
    Last Post: 11-29-2001, 07:13 PM
  5. Pong game?
    By Titan in forum Game Programming
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: 08-29-2001, 09:16 PM