First of all, I want to apologize to all of you guys. I'm very sorry for not replying sooner, had to drive all the way to my hometown because of my mom's birthday

Second, sorry again for not having provided more code nor having filled in the ellipsis' in the snippets (I really didn't have the time for the same reason). I didn't do it in the first place because, although I wasn't properly understanding the error, I was kind of sure it didn't have anything to do with it. As I read somewhere (in the forum guidelines post, probably), I didn't want to bother you with large chunks of code. Believe me guys, ignorantly (does the word even exist? Not a native speaker ) I did it with the best intentions.

Just a note on the problem: I'm currently using a machine running mac os x 10.5.8, and had gcc 4.0.1 version installed . In the meantime I updated gcc (which was a pain as the only safe way I found to do it was by downloading the +4gb Xcode image!) and things just started compiling. Can't reason much about this, other than assuming that something was wrong with my previous installation (?). Anyway, I just wanted to clear things out. And last, thanks a bunch to all of you mike65535, anduril462, nonoob and CommonTater for taking the time to teach me something. Much obliged!

ps: @anduril462: I'm really new here and one might claim I don't have sufficient evidence or even possibly the right to state it, but given the effort you've put into those posts, I'll just have to agree that you sir, are indeed a prince