Thread: if and else starement and Pro*c

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    if and else starement and Pro*c

    Im new to C and im having some problem filtering out the data.

    The scenario as below..

    #Date range 20110225 0600 - 20110225 0700
    Revision   1
    Action     randomize
    Lot        AUP05078.1
    Operation  Pst-PSD-Imp-RsStrp-Random.0
    Suboperation GA_PSDImRS
    actualqty  25
    equipment  D1HNNT01
    device          ARODINA-AU1B
    technology C16
    Date        20110225 064924000
    Employee   som
    %wafer orig_slot orig_cass in_house_scribe vendor_scribe final_slot final_cass
    wafer   5   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3031SHC1  24   6594
    wafer  18   6594        AUP05078.1.18         UXJZ3035SHE3   3   6594
    wafer  12   6594        AUP05078.1.25         UXJZ3036SHB2   6   6594
    wafer  19   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3117SHD0  12   6594
    wafer   8   6594         AUP05078.1.9         UXJZ3197SHC1   5   6594
    wafer  16   6594        AUP05078.1.13         UXJZ3202SHF7   9   6594
    wafer  20   6594        AUP05078.1.16         UXJZ3203SHC6  10   6594
    wafer   9   6594        AUP05078.1.15         UXJZ3204SHH0  11   6594
    wafer  23   6594        AUP05078.1.20         UXJZ3205SHD7  18   6594
    wafer  25   6594        AUP05078.1.21         UXJZ3206SHA6   8   6594
    wafer  21   6594        AUP05078.1.19         UXJZ3207SHF0  19   6594
    wafer   2   6594        AUP05078.1.14         UXJZ3208SHB7  22   6594
    wafer  24   6594        AUP05078.1.17         UXJZ3209SHG1  15   6594
    wafer  14   6594        AUP05078.1.12         UXJZ3210SHB7  16   6594
    wafer   4   6594        AUP05078.1.11         UXJZ3211SHG1  23   6594
    wafer  17   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3213SHH2   2   6594
    wafer  10   6594        AUP05078.1.10         UXJZ3216SHF2   7   6594
    wafer  11   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3264SHE4  14   6594
    wafer  15   6594         AUP05078.1.8         UXJZ3265SHB3  13   6594
    wafer   3   6594         AUP05078.1.7         UXJZ3267SHC4  17   6594
    wafer   6   6594         AUP05078.1.1         UXJZ3268SHG6  20   6594
    wafer   7   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3271SHD5   1   6594
    wafer  13   6594        AUP05078.1.24         UXJZ3281SHA6   4   6594
    wafer   1   6594        AUP05078.1.22         UXJZ3282SHF0  25   6594
    wafer  22   6594        AUP05078.1.23         UXJZ3283SHB7  21   6594
    My code should filter out if its find this null value and write the entire file in different directory.

    Attach is my code:
         * Function: Generate_SA_Report(char* startDate, 	-- Beginning of date range 
         *     char* endDate,                             -- End of date range 
         *     struct parameters*)                        -- Structure holding configurable parameters 
         * Purpose: Get lot data those were performed Inline Sorter Action 
         *          in the specified period 
         *          1. Get lot list with 'TrackIn' / 'Reposition' transaction; 
         *          2. Filter lot by Recipe value to get list with Sorter Actions; 
         *          3. Loop: 
         *             3.1 Get lot info those will be written in header part 
         *             3.2 Get slot-map information 
         *                 3.2.1 Before transaction 
         *                 3.2.2 After transaction 
         *             3.3 write data into file 
         * Returns: The number of files created.
        int Generate_SA_Report(
        			char* startDate, 
        			char* endDate, 
        			struct parameters* parms) 
        	 * Preparation 
        	/* Variable declaration */ 
        	int skipLotCntr = 0; 
        	int numOfFiles = 0; 
        	int compQty = 0; 
        	int indexOfComp = 0; 
        	int indexOfCarHistRecord = 0; 
        	vc2_LotSK lot_sk; 
        	vc2_TxnSK txn_sk; 	
        	vc2_Operation action; 
        	vc2_LotId lot; 
        	vc2_StepId stepId; 	
        	vc2_StepId sorterAction; 
        	vc2_Stage stage; 
        	vc2_Recipe recipe; 
        	vc2_Operation operation; 
        	vc2_Operation subOperation; 
        	vc2_WaferQty qtyIn; 
        	vc2_WaferQty qtyOut; 
        	vc2_WaferQty actualQty; 
        	vc2_EqpId eqpId; 
        	vc2_Device device; 
        	vc2_Technology tech; 
        	vc2_DateTime toTime; 
        	vc2_DateTime tiTime; 
        	vc2_DateTime createTime;  
        	vc2_UserId employee; 
        	vc2_CarrierId carrierId; 
        	vc2_LotId finalLotId; 
        	vc2_GroupHistKey groupHistKey; 
        	vc2_PlanId planId; 	
        	vc2_SlotPosition slot; 
        	vc2_CarrierId origCass; 
        	vc2_VScriberId inHouseScribe; 
        	vc2_VScriberId vendorScribe; 
            vc2_VScriberId POSITION;
        	vc2_CarrierId finalCass; 
        	vc2_SlotPosition origSlotArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT]; 
        	vc2_CarrierId origCassArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT]; 
        	vc2_VScriberId inHouseScribeArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT];  
        	vc2_VScriberId vendorScribeArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT];
            vc2_VScriberId POSITIONArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT];
        	vc2_SlotPosition finalSlotArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT]; 
        	vc2_CarrierId finalCassArray[MAX_WAFERQTY_PER_LOT]; 
        	vc2_VScriberId scribeId;
        	vc2_SysId carHistSysId; 
        	vc2_SysId carHistTxnTime; 
        	vc2_SysId carHistSysIdArray[MAX_CARHISTRECORD_NUM];	 
        	vc2_SysId carHistTxnTimeArray[MAX_CARHISTRECORD_NUM]; 
        	int finalFlag = FALSE; 
        	char currDateTime[20]; 
        	char* pTmp = NULL; 
        	/* Reset memory */ 
        	memset(scribeId, 0, sizeof(scribeId)); 
        	memset(currDateTime, 0, sizeof(currDateTime)); 
        	memset(carHistSysId, 0, sizeof(carHistSysId)); 	
        	memset(carHistTxnTime, 0, sizeof(carHistTxnTime)); 	
        	memset(carHistSysIdArray, 0, sizeof(carHistSysIdArray)); 
        	memset(carHistTxnTimeArray, 0, sizeof(carHistTxnTimeArray)); 
        	#ifdef DEBUG 
        	printf("%s: Start to retrieve Sorter Action Information\n", GetCurrDateTime(currDateTime)); 			
        	printf("  Start Date [%s] ~ End Date [%s]\n", startDate, endDate); 	
        	 * Query data  
        	/* Get 'Sorter Action' lot (lot_sk, txn_sk) list */ 
        			  SELECT wip.lot_sk, wip.txn_sk 
        			    FROM hdbxuser.fwhdbwipstephistory@hdbsil sh, 
        			  	     hdbxuser.fwhdbwiptransaction@hdbsil wip 
        			   WHERE wip.wipstep_sk = sh.wipstep_sk 
        			     AND wip.activity = 'TrackIn' 
        			     AND wip.txntime = sh.trackintime 
        			     AND sh.trackouttime BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate; 
        	/* Open cursor */ 
        	EXEC SQL OPEN wsSaCursor;
        	/* Loop, fetching all salesperson's statistics.
        	 * Cause the program to break the loop when no more
        	 * data can be retrieved on the cursor.
        	for( ; ;) 
        		/* Reset memory */ 		
        		memset(lot_sk, NULL, sizeof(lot_sk)); 
        		memset(txn_sk, NULL, sizeof(txn_sk)); 	
        		memset(action, NULL, sizeof(action)); 
        		memset(lot, NULL, sizeof(lot)); 
        		memset(stepId, NULL, sizeof(stepId)); 
        		memset(sorterAction, NULL, sizeof(sorterAction)); 
        		memset(stage, NULL, sizeof(stage)); 
        		memset(recipe, NULL, sizeof(recipe)); 	
        		memset(operation, NULL, sizeof(operation)); 
        		memset(subOperation, NULL, sizeof(subOperation)); 
        		memset(qtyIn, NULL, sizeof(qtyIn));
        		memset(qtyOut, NULL, sizeof(qtyOut));
        		memset(actualQty, NULL, sizeof(actualQty)); 
        		memset(eqpId, NULL, sizeof(eqpId)); 
        		memset(device, NULL, sizeof(device)); 
        		memset(tech, NULL, sizeof(tech)); 
        		memset(toTime, NULL, sizeof(toTime)); 
        		memset(tiTime, NULL, sizeof(tiTime)); 
        		memset(createTime, NULL, sizeof(createTime));  
        		memset(employee, NULL, sizeof(employee)); 
        		memset(carrierId, NULL, sizeof(carrierId)); 
        		memset(finalLotId, NULL, sizeof(finalLotId)); 
        		memset(groupHistKey, NULL, sizeof(groupHistKey)); 
        		memset(planId, NULL, sizeof(planId)); 
        		memset(origSlotArray, NULL, sizeof(origSlotArray)); 
        		memset(origCassArray, NULL, sizeof(origCassArray)); 
        		memset(inHouseScribeArray, NULL, sizeof(inHouseScribeArray)); 
        		memset(vendorScribeArray, NULL, sizeof(vendorScribeArray)); 
        		memset(finalSlotArray, NULL, sizeof(finalSlotArray)); 
        		memset(finalCassArray, NULL, sizeof(finalCassArray)); 
        		/* Get txn_sk */ 
        		EXEC SQL FETCH wsSaCursor INTO :lot_sk, :txn_sk;
        		/* Skip it if no data found  */
        		/* To check whether the lot perform 'Sorter Action' or not */   
        		EXEC SQL  SELECT LOWER (recipe), transportid, stage, device 
        		            INTO :recipe, :carrierId, :stage, :device 
        							  FROM (SELECT lotrecipe.attrvalue recipe,
        							               lottransportid.attrvalue transportid, lotstage.attrvalue stage,
        							               lotdevice.attrvalue device
        							          FROM hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotrecipe,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotstage,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lottransportid,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotdevice
        							         WHERE lotrecipe.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotrecipe.startsequence AND lotrecipe.stopsequence
        							           AND lotrecipe.attrname = 'Recipe'
        							           AND (   LOWER (lotrecipe.attrvalue) LIKE '%verify%'
        							                OR (LOWER (lotrecipe.attrvalue) LIKE '%random%')
        							                OR (LOWER (lotrecipe.attrvalue) LIKE '%reorder%')
        							           AND lotstage.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotstage.startsequence AND lotstage.stopsequence
        							           AND lotstage.attrname = 'Stage'
        							           AND lottransportid.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lottransportid.startsequence
        							                           AND lottransportid.stopsequence
        							           AND lottransportid.attrname = 'transportId'
        							           AND lotdevice.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotdevice.startsequence AND lotdevice.stopsequence
        							           AND lotdevice.attrname = 'partProgId'
        							        UNION ALL
        							        SELECT lotsorteraction.attrvalue recipe,
        							               lottransportid.attrvalue transportid, lotstage.attrvalue stage,
        							               lotdevice.attrvalue device
        							          FROM hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotsorteraction,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotstage,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lottransportid,
        							               hdbxuser.fwhdbwiplotattrinstance@hdbsil lotdevice
        							         WHERE lotsorteraction.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotsorteraction.startsequence
        							                           AND lotsorteraction.stopsequence
        							           AND lotsorteraction.attrname = 'SorterAction'
        							           AND lotsorteraction.attrvalue IN ('REORDER', 'VERIFY')
        							           AND lotstage.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotstage.startsequence AND lotstage.stopsequence
        							           AND lotstage.attrname = 'Stage'
        							           AND lottransportid.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lottransportid.startsequence
        							                           AND lottransportid.stopsequence
        							           AND lottransportid.attrname = 'transportId'
        							           AND lotdevice.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        							           AND :txn_sk BETWEEN lotdevice.startsequence AND lotdevice.stopsequence
        							           AND lotdevice.attrname = 'partProgId'); 	
        		/* Get lot detail information */ 
        		EXEC SQL  SELECT wipin.lotid, wipout.userid, wipin.txntime, wipin.lotqtyout,
        							       wipout.txntime totime, wipout.lotid finallotid, wipin.grouphistkey,
        							       sh.LOCATION, sh.stepid, sh.planid, sh.productname tech, 
        							  INTO :lot, :employee, :tiTime, :actualQty, :toTime, :finalLotId, :groupHistKey, 
        							  	   :eqpId, :stepId, :planId, :tech, :createTime 
        							  FROM hdbxuser.fwhdblot@hdbsil lot,
        							       hdbxuser.fwhdbwipstephistory@hdbsil sh,
        							       hdbxuser.fwhdbwiptransaction@hdbsil wipout,
        							       hdbxuser.fwhdbwiptransaction@hdbsil wipin
        							 WHERE lot.lot_sk = wipin.lot_sk
        							   AND wipout.grouphistkey = wipin.grouphistkey
        							   AND wipout.activity = 'TrackOut'
        							   AND sh.wipstep_sk = wipout.wipstep_sk
        							   AND wipin.txn_sk = :txn_sk; 
        		/* Get component Id list */ 
        		EXEC SQL DECLARE comp_Cursor CURSOR FOR 
        		          SELECT lot.lotid || '.' || comp.POSITION inhousescribe,
        			         comp.componentid vendorscribe,
        				    FROM hdbxuser.fwhdblot@hdbsil lot,
        				         hdbxuser.fwhdbwipcomponent@hdbsil comp
        				   WHERE lot.lot_sk = comp.originallot_sk
        				     AND comp.lot_sk = :lot_sk
        				     AND :txn_sk BETWEEN startsequence AND stopsequence 
        				     AND comp.status <> 'Scrapped'
        				     ORDER BY comp.componentid; 
        		EXEC SQL OPEN comp_Cursor; 
        		indexOfComp = 0;
        		for(; ;) 
        			memset(inHouseScribe, NULL, sizeof(inHouseScribe)); 
        			memset(vendorScribe, NULL, sizeof(vendorScribe));
                    memset (POSITION,NULL,sizeof (POSITION));
        			EXEC SQL FETCH comp_Cursor INTO :inHouseScribe, :vendorScribe, :POSITION;		
        			strcpy(inHouseScribeArray[indexOfComp], inHouseScribe); 
        			strcpy(vendorScribeArray[indexOfComp], vendorScribe); 
                    strcpy (POSITIONArray[indexOfComp],POSITION);
        		compQty = indexOfComp; 
        		EXEC SQL CLOSE comp_Cursor; 
        		 * The following is to retrieve component Id slot-map 
        		 * information: orignal -- final position 
        		 * 1. Get SysId/TxnTime list from FwCarrierHistory in desc order; 
        		 *    Time range: create time ~ to time 
        		 *    SysId list is stored in an array that size is 10. 
        		 * 2. Loop: wafer by wafer 
        		 *    2.1 Get final position (FwCarrierHistory_PN2M) 
        		 *        2.1.1 Make sure TxnTime is between TiTime and ToTime 
        		 *        2.1.2 Get final position by using the lastest sysId 
        		 *    2.2 Get original position  by using the latest SysId; 
        		 *        2.2.1 Make sure TxnTime is earlier TiTime. 
        		 *              If not, skip to previous record (SysId); 
        		 *        2.2.2 Get original position by using SysId. If not found, 
        		 *              skip to previous record (SysId) 
        		/* VERY IMPORTANT */ 
        		/* Minus 1 min (60 seconds) to create time */ 
        		/* We may fail to get data if using create time in some cases  
        		 * because CARRIER transaction is done eariler than WIP. 
        		 * For example, one child is created (split) in '20090806 152152000', 
        		 * but the Assign Component happen in 20090806 152151000
        		AddSeconds( createTime, -60 ); 
        		/* Get SysId/TxnTime list from FwCarrierHistory */ 
        		EXEC SQL DECLARE carhist_Cursor CURSOR FOR 
        					SELECT   sysid, txntime 
        						FROM caruser.fwcarrierhistory
        					   WHERE carrierid = :carrierId
        						 AND activity IN
        						 AND txntime BETWEEN :createTime AND :toTime 
        					ORDER BY txntime DESC; 
        		EXEC SQL OPEN carhist_Cursor; 
        		memset(carHistSysIdArray, 0, sizeof(carHistSysIdArray)); 
        		memset(carHistTxnTimeArray, 0, sizeof(carHistTxnTimeArray)); 
        		for(indexOfCarHistRecord = 0; indexOfCarHistRecord < MAX_CARHISTRECORD_NUM; indexOfCarHistRecord++) 
        			memset(carHistSysId, 0, sizeof(carHistSysId)); 	
        			memset(carHistTxnTime, 0, sizeof(carHistTxnTime)); 	
        			EXEC SQL FETCH carhist_Cursor INTO :carHistSysId, :carHistTxnTime;  			
        			strcpy(carHistSysIdArray[indexOfCarHistRecord], carHistSysId); 
        			strcpy(carHistTxnTimeArray[indexOfCarHistRecord], carHistTxnTime); 	
        		EXEC SQL CLOSE carhist_Cursor; 							
        		/* To get final & original position for each wafer */ 					
        		for (indexOfComp = 0; indexOfComp < compQty; indexOfComp++) 
        			finalFlag = FALSE; 
        			memset(scribeId, NULL, sizeof(scribeId)); 
        			strcpy(scribeId, vendorScribeArray[indexOfComp]); 
        			/* Loop: to find original-final slot position */ 
        			for(indexOfCarHistRecord = 0; indexOfCarHistRecord < MAX_CARHISTRECORD_NUM; indexOfCarHistRecord++) 
        				memset(slot, NULL, sizeof(slot)); 
        				memset(carHistSysId, 0, sizeof(carHistSysId)); 
        				strcpy(carHistSysId, carHistSysIdArray[indexOfCarHistRecord]); 
        				EXEC SQL  	SELECT valdata slot 
        							  INTO :slot 
        							  FROM caruser.fwcarrierhistory_pn2m
        							 WHERE fromid = :carHistSysId AND linkname = 'components'
        					         AND keydata = :scribeId; 			
        				if (strlen(slot) > 0) 				
        					if (strcmp(carHistTxnTimeArray[indexOfCarHistRecord], tiTime) > 0) 
        						/* Finalflag is to make sure to get the correst slot position (latest).  
        						 * To handle abnormal case: namely that there are multiple slot 
        						 * mapping changes during the period of Track-In and Track-Out. 
        						if (finalFlag == FALSE) 
        							/* Final position */ 
        							strcpy(finalSlotArray[indexOfComp], slot); 
        							strcpy(finalCassArray[indexOfComp], carrierId); 
        							finalFlag = TRUE; 
        						/* Original position */ 
        						strcpy(origSlotArray[indexOfComp], slot); 
        						strcpy(origCassArray[indexOfComp], carrierId); 
        						/* If final position value is NULL, it is assumed that 
        						 * the slot position does not change, same as original one */ 
        						if (strlen(finalSlotArray[indexOfComp]) == 0) 
        							strcpy(finalSlotArray[indexOfComp], slot); 
        							strcpy(finalCassArray[indexOfComp], carrierId); 
        		/* Assign value to 'action', 'operation', 'suboperation' */ 
        		if (strstr(recipe, "random"))  
        			strcpy(action, OPERATION_RANDOMIZE); 
        			strcpy(operation, stepId); 
        			/* Strip out XX stage stuff/sortorder in stage name */ 
        			pTmp = strchr(stage, ':'); 
        			if (pTmp != NULL) 
        				strcpy(subOperation, Trim_End(++pTmp)); 
        				strcpy(subOperation, stage); 
        		else if (strstr(recipe, "reorder")) 
        			strcpy(action, OPERATION_REORDER); 
        			strcpy(operation, "reorder"); 
        			strcpy(subOperation, "reorder"); 
        		else if (strstr(recipe, "verify")) 
        			if (strstr(stepId, "SorterAction")) 
        				strcpy(action, OPERATION_VERIFY); 
        				strcpy(action, OPERATION_INLINEVERIFY); 
        			strcpy(action, OPERATION_VERIFY); 
        			strcpy(operation, "verify"); 
        			strcpy(subOperation, "verify"); 
        			strcpy(action, recipe); 
        			strcpy(operation, recipe); 
        			strcpy(subOperation, recipe); 
        #ifdef DEBUG 
        printf("indexOfComp=%d, compQty=%d\n", indexOfComp, compQty); 
        printf("inHouseScribeArray[indexOfComp]='%s' length=%d\n",inHouseScribeArray[indexOfComp],strlen(inHouseScribeArray[indexOfComp]));
        printforigSlotArray[indexOfComp]='%s' length=%dorigSlotArray[indexOfComp],strlenorigSlotArray[indexOfComp]));
                if ((strlen(inHouseScribeArray[indexOfComp]) > 0) && (strlen(origSlotArray[indexOfComp]) > 0) && (strlen(origCassArray[indexOfComp]) > 0)&& (strlen(finalCassArray[indexOfComp]) >0) 
                 && (strlen(vendorScribeArray[indexOfComp])> 0) && (strlen(finalSlotArray[indexOfComp]) > 0 )&& (strlen(POSITIONArray [indexOfComp]) > 0))
             	Write_SA_DataFile(startDate, endDate, action, lot, operation, subOperation, 
        					actualQty, eqpId, device, tech, toTime, employee, origSlotArray, 
        					origCassArray, inHouseScribeArray, vendorScribeArray, finalSlotArray, 
        					finalCassArray, parms); 
                   Write_PR_DataFile(startDate, endDate, action, lot, operation, subOperation, 
        					actualQty, eqpId, device, tech, toTime, employee, origSlotArray, 
        					origCassArray, inHouseScribeArray, vendorScribeArray, finalSlotArray, 
          				   finalCassArray, parms); 
        		#ifdef DEBUG 
        		printf("  #%d lot data is extracted\n", numOfFiles); 
        		#ifdef DEBUG 
        		printf("  #%d lot is skipped\n", skipLotCntr); 
        	/* Close cursor */ 
          EXEC SQL CLOSE wsSaCursor;
          #ifdef DEBUG 
          printf("  %d 'Sorter Action' data files are created successfully\n", numOfFiles); 
        	printf("%s: Complete retrieving 'Sorter Action' Information\n", GetCurrDateTime(currDateTime)); 		
        } /* Generate_SA_Report */
    Kindly help how i can able to filter out the data if one of the com.position is NULL write the entire output to the different log file,,Im using unix environement to run the code and need help..

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    OK, let's forget your code for a bit, and talk algorithm or process, here.

    You have this data:
    wafer   5   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3031SHC1  24   6594
    wafer  18   6594        AUP05078.1.18         UXJZ3035SHE3   3   6594
    wafer  12   6594        AUP05078.1.25         UXJZ3036SHB2   6   6594
    wafer  19   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3117SHD0  12   6594
    wafer   8   6594         AUP05078.1.9         UXJZ3197SHC1   5   6594
    wafer  16   6594        AUP05078.1.13         UXJZ3202SHF7   9   6594
    wafer  20   6594        AUP05078.1.16         UXJZ3203SHC6  10   6594
    wafer   9   6594        AUP05078.1.15         UXJZ3204SHH0  11   6594
    wafer  23   6594        AUP05078.1.20         UXJZ3205SHD7  18   6594
    wafer  25   6594        AUP05078.1.21         UXJZ3206SHA6   8   6594
    wafer  21   6594        AUP05078.1.19         UXJZ3207SHF0  19   6594
    wafer   2   6594        AUP05078.1.14         UXJZ3208SHB7  22   6594
    wafer  24   6594        AUP05078.1.17         UXJZ3209SHG1  15   6594
    wafer  14   6594        AUP05078.1.12         UXJZ3210SHB7  16   6594
    wafer   4   6594        AUP05078.1.11         UXJZ3211SHG1  23   6594
    wafer  17   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3213SHH2   2   6594
    wafer  10   6594        AUP05078.1.10         UXJZ3216SHF2   7   6594
    wafer  11   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3264SHE4  14   6594
    wafer  15   6594         AUP05078.1.8         UXJZ3265SHB3  13   6594
    wafer   3   6594         AUP05078.1.7         UXJZ3267SHC4  17   6594
    wafer   6   6594         AUP05078.1.1         UXJZ3268SHG6  20   6594
    wafer   7   6594          AUP05078.1.         UXJZ3271SHD5   1   6594
    wafer  13   6594        AUP05078.1.24         UXJZ3281SHA6   4   6594
    wafer   1   6594        AUP05078.1.22         UXJZ3282SHF0  25   6594
    wafer  22   6594        AUP05078.1.23         UXJZ3283SHB7  21   6594
    And this: AUP05078.1. is NULL in your data. Is that correct? (I'm lazy and just highlighted one of them).

    Does that mean that ALL the above data would need to go into another file, or does that mean that only the rows with the null value in it, go into another file?

    It's useless for me to post about code, until the work it's for, is fully understood, so be patient.
    Last edited by Adak; 04-07-2011 at 08:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Need someone help..Im new to C language.

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