Good Day,

Actually, I am stuck with an assignment and I need help badly.

I got a char check[] = "TFFTF"

and I should receive an input on the number of students

Number of Students: 2

Enter name and answer: Mary TFTTT
Enter name and answer: Leo TFTFT

Name Score
Mary 3
Leo 2

I got no problems with the output, just the basic going inside my array.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
	char correct[] = "TFFFTFTFTTFTFTF";
	char name[10][51];
	char answers[10][51];
	int numStudents = 0;
	int loop, loop2;

	printf("Please enter the number of students >");
	scanf("%d", &numStudents);

	for(loop = 0; loop < numStudents;loop++)
		printf("Please Enter student %d name and answer >", loop + 1);
		scanf("%s %s", &name[loop][0], &answers[loop][0]);

		for(loop2 = 0; loop2 < strlen(correct); loop2++)
this is my current code. please help me solve it. I know my array is a mess. any hint or tip is gladly appreciated.