When I run my program I get this...

where am I going wrong?

"lab7.c", line 4: warning: invalid white space character in directive
"lab7.c", line 38: warning: implicit function declaration: strcpy
"lab7.c", line 82: warning: newline not last character in file
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

// the purpose of this lab is to read data from a file, capitalize the first letter of all the names 
// in the file and rewrite the file
// includes
#include <stdio.h>
struct employee
	char firstname[40];
	char lastname[40];
	int id;
typedef struct employee Employee;

Employee e[3];

void PrintEmployeeRecord();
void SaveEmployeeRecord();
//void Capitalize(const Employee e[]);

int main ()
	Employee e[3];
	FILE *file;	
	file = fopen("employee.dat", "r");// open file
	int i = 0;
	int c = 0;
	int tID = 0;
	char tFName[20];
	char tLName[20];
	{  c = fscanf(file,"%d %s %s" , &tID,tFName,tLName);
		if (c == 3)  // all three matched the format
			e[i].id = tID;
			strcpy(e[i].firstname, tFName);
			i++ ;
	} while ( c > EOF );  // end of file
		fclose(file); //close file	
// end of main

// the function saves the employee data to a file
// the input is an array of 3 and the output is a file with the employee data
void SaveEmployeeRecord(const Employee e[])
	int i;
	FILE *file;	
	file = fopen("employee.dat", "w"); // open the file
	fprintf(file, "ID FIRSTNAME LASTNAME\n");  // header
	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
		fprintf(file, "%d %s %s\n", e[i].id, e[i].firstname, e[i].lastname); // print the data
	fclose(file); // close the file

//purpose: Print Employee data
//input: array of 3 employee data
//output: 3 employee data printed to screen
void PrintEmployeeRecord()
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<3; i++);
		printf("%d %s %s \n", e[i].id, e[i].firstname, e[i].lastname);