Thread: Assignment from incompatible pointer type

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2011

    Assignment from incompatible pointer type

    The problem has something to do with my temp in the sort function. It says assignment from incompatible pointer type when i set "temp" = to something. It's a bubble sort. suggestions?

    thank you,


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    //function protos
    void addentry();
    void delentry ();	
    void printentry ();
    void sort ();
    void random ();
    void clear ();
    void search ();
    // struct for an entry
    typedef struct
           char *fname;
           char *lname;
           char *num;
    } acontact;
    acontact *ac; //pointer toward struct named "ac"
    char first[100];
    char last[100];
    int counter = 0; // keeps tract of contacts
    int i = 0; //printing index
    // set eeverything to 0
    int choice = 0;
          while (choice !=8)
          printf("\n\nYellow Pages Editor v 1.06");
          printf("\n1) Add entry");
          printf("\n2) Delete entry");
          printf("\n3) Display Yellow Pages");
          printf("\n4) Sort entries");
          printf("\n5) Find a number");
          printf("\n6) Randomly select a friend");
          printf("\n7) Erase phonebook");
          printf("\n8) Exit");
          printf("\n\nWhat do you want to do? ");
          scanf("%d", &choice);
          switch (choice) {
          //add entry
                 case 1:
         //delete entry
                 case 2:
                 case 3:
                case 4:
          //find a name given a number
                 case 5:
          //randomly select a friend
                 case 6:
                      random ();
          // erase phonebook entirely
                 case 7:
                      clear ();
                             printf("Try Again.");
    } //end switch
    } // end while
    } // end main
    void addentry ()
    	if(counter == 0)
            ac = (acontact *) malloc (sizeof(acontact) + (counter*20));
            ac = (acontact *) realloc (ac, sizeof(acontact) + (counter*20) + 20);
        if(ac == NULL)
            printf("out of memory\n");
        ac[counter].fname = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15);
        ac[counter].lname = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15);
        ac[counter].num = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*20);
        printf("\nFirst name: ");
        scanf("%s", ac[counter].fname);
        printf("Last name: ");
        scanf("%s", ac[counter].lname);
        printf("Phone number (no dash): ");
        scanf("%s", ac[counter].num);
        printf("Entry added to Yellow Pages!\n\n");
    }	//end add
    void delentry ()
        int i;
        int removed = 0;
        printf("\nFirst name: ");
    	scanf("%s", first);
        printf("Last name: ");
    	scanf("%s", last);
    	// string comparison
    	for (i = 0; i<counter; i++)
            if ((ac[i].fname == NULL) && (ac[i].lname == NULL)) continue;
    		if ((stricmp(ac[i].fname, first) == 0) && (stricmp(ac[i].lname, last) == 0))
    			ac[i].fname = NULL;
    			ac[i].lname = NULL;
    			ac[i].num = NULL;
    			removed = 1;	
    		if(removed == 1)
                       printf("\nUser Deleted!\n\n");
                       printf("\nUser not found!\n\n");
    }// end del funct
    void printentry ()
         if (counter==0)
         printf("Nothing to display.\n\n");
    	int i;
    		printf("\n\nYellow Page Entries:\n\n");
    		for(i=0; i<counter; i++)
    			if (ac[i].lname != NULL)
    				printf("%s %s %s\n", ac[i].fname, ac[i].lname, ac[i].num);
    			}// end if
    		} //end for
    }// end else
    } //end print
    void sort ()
         int i;
         int j;
         acontact *temp; // the problem is here
         temp = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15); // and here
         int choice;
         printf("Sort by:\n");
         printf("1) First name\n");
         printf("2) Last name\n");
         printf("Which? ");
         scanf("%d", choice);
         switch (choice) {
                case 1:
            if (counter == 0)
            printf("No entries to sort.");
            else {
            for (i = 0; i<counter; i++)
            for (j = 0; j<counter; j++)
                if ((stricmp(ac[j].fname, ac[i].fname)) > 0)
                    temp = ac[j].fname;
                    ac[j].fname = ac[i].fname;
                    ac[i].fname = temp;
                }// end if
            }// end inner for
    }// end outer for
    }// else else
    // if this doesnt work instead of j+1 make it i 
    case 2:
                     if (counter == 0)
            printf("No entries to sort");
            else {
            for (i = 0; i< counter-1; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < counter-1; j++)
                if ((stricmp(ac[i].lname, ac[j].lname)) > 0)
                    temp = ac[j].lname;
                    ac[j].lname = ac[i].lname;
                    ac[i].lname = temp;
                }// end if
            }// end inner for
    }// end outer for
    }// else else
    }// end switch
    }// end sort funct
    void random ()
         int y;
         if (counter == 0)
         printf("No entries!");
         y = rand()%counter;
         printf("%s %s %s", ac[y].fname, ac[y].lname, ac[y].num);
    void search ()
         if (counter == 0)
         printf("\nNo entries.\n\n");
         else {
         int g = 0;
         char ifname[100];
         char ilname[100];
         printf("Enter the first name: ");
         scanf("%s", ifname);
         printf("Enter the last name: ");
         scanf("%s", ilname);
              if ((stricmp(ac[i].fname, ifname) == 0 && (stricmp(ac[i].lname, ilname)) == 0))
              printf("\n%s\n\n", ac[i].num);
         }// end for
    } // end else
    } // end search func
    void clear ()
         if (counter ==0) 
         printf("\nNothing to erase\n");
              counter == 0;
    }// end else
    }// end clear

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Toronto, Canada
    temp and fname are char arrays of 15 characters. So to move such data you will need:
    memcpy(temp, ac[j].lname, 15);
    memcpy(ac[j].lname, ac[i].lname, 15);
    memcpy(ac[i].lname, temp, 15);
    Also, your delentry() function has poroblems. You shouldn't just assign NULL to the pointers. You should use free() to deallocate the memory that you allocated earlier. Then you can assign NULL if you wish.
    Last edited by nonoob; 03-03-2011 at 07:31 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    i posted your solution in the sort function. It still says the same thing, and still crashes when you enter the switch statement within the sort function.

  4. #4
    THANK YOU KINDLY SIR Phenax's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by brehon1104 View Post
    i posted your solution in the sort function. It still says the same thing, and still crashes when you enter the switch statement within the sort function.
    In addition to what others have pointed out, you have other problems in your code.
    Line 204
    scanf("%d", choice);
    Line 304
    counter == 0;
    Seems like you forgot to free temp in your sort function.
    Also, you should make your main function return an integer is that is standard behavior these days.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but on Line 197 why are you casting your malloc to (char *)? I don't see the point, and it throws a warning on my compiler.
    Last edited by Phenax; 03-03-2011 at 10:04 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    ac[counter].fname = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15);
    ac[counter].lname = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15);
    ac[counter].num = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*20);
    1. Avoid casting the return value from the malloc call, the returned void* can be safely assigned to other pointer types (in your case a char*) without the need of a cast.
    2. sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1 and since anything multiplied by 1 is just simply that original value it is unneeded here.
    ac[counter].fname = malloc (15);
    ac[counter].lname = malloc (15);
    ac[counter].num = malloc (20);

    It says assignment from incompatible pointer type when i set "temp" = to something.
    acontact *temp; // the problem is here
    temp = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*15); // and here
    3. Your cast (which I already mentioned you should not be using) is converting the malloc'd memory into a char* which does not match the acontact* you are attempting to assign it to.
    4. You are mallocing an incorrect size, you are asking for 15 bytes when you should be asking for whatever sizeof(acontact) is.
    5. Why even use dynamic memory allocation here at all? Just have a temp acontact object instead of a pointer to one.

    In general:
    6. You have no error checking code for your dynamic memory allocations. You simply assume it all works.
    7. Your data entry (the scanf calls do not limit how many characters they accept into your buffers. A user can type in 50 characters for a first name for example and the scanf will happily try to store it into a buffer that is only 15 characters in size.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ok... look at this rationally... you have an array of structs but in your sort you are moving only partial contents of the struct... This is going to cause data corrpution...

    John Smith ... Fred Doe ... Cathy Martin ...
    would become
    Cathy Smith ... Fred Doe ... John Martin...

    You have to move the entire struct, not just the part you are sorting on.

    // struct for an entry
    typedef struct tContact
           char fname[20];
           char lname[20];
           char num;
    } Contact, *pContact;
    // array of pointers to contacts
    pContact Contacts = Null;
    // how many contacts.
    int LastContact = 0;  
    int MaxContacts = 0;
    // add new contacts to array
    int AddNewContact( char* nfirst, char *nlast)
      { ++LastContact;
         // expand array by 10s 
         if (LastContact > MaxContacts)
           { MaxContacts += 10;
             Contacts = realloc(Contacts, sizeof(tContact) * MaxContacts); }
        // add new contact
        strncpy( Contacts[LastContact]->fname,  nfirst, 20 );  
        strncpy(  Contacts[Lastcontact]->lname, nlast, 20); 
        return LastContact; } 
    // delete, edit, etc goes here
    // now when you come to your sort
    // all you have to do is swap pointers.
    void sort ()
         int i;
         int j;
         pcontact temp;    
          for (i = 0; i < LastContact; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < LastContact; j++)
               if ((stricmp(Contacts[j]->fname, Contacts[i]->fname)) > 0)
                {   temp = Contacts[j];
                    Contacts[j] = Contacts[i];
                    Contacts[i] = temp; }
           printf("Sorted"); }
    I'm sure there's a couple of minor errors in there somplace --this is untested code -- but I trust you get the concepts involved....
    Last edited by CommonTater; 03-03-2011 at 10:43 AM.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Thank you everyone, I got it figured out!

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