Thread: Accessing huge 2d array causes "general protection exception"

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Accessing huge 2d array causes "general protection exception"


    My system:
    Operating System: Windows98 Second Edition
    RAM: 152 Megabtes (160 MB - 8 MB for Video = 152 MB)
    Compiler/Linker: Borland C++ 3.1 for DOS and Windows 3.1

    I am using the DOS version of the compiler.

    Compiler Options:
    Memory Model: Huge
    Instruction Set: 80386

    My program successfully allocates 88,200 bytes of memory for a 2 dimensional array called
    (*map)[36][70] dynamically at runtime using the function farcalloc.

    The problem is when I initialize the elements of the array map, it causes a "general protection exception" which causes the program to terminate and the DOS Prompt to exit.

    The Windows Error Message window displays the following:
    MS-DOS Prompt
    This program has performed an illegal operation and will be
    terminated.  Quit all programs, and then restart your computer.
    If the program consistently encounters problems, click the Start button, then select Help, Troubleshooting,
    and 'If you have trouble running MS-DOS programs'.
    --------     -------------
    |  OK  |     | Details>> |
    --------     -------------
    The program encountered a general protection exception.
    Fault location:         14A6:0418
    Interrupts in service:  None
    NOTE: The Fault location is at 6189:0418 when I run the program in Turbo Debugger.

    This occurs when initializing array element (*map)[26][52] in the init_map() function. The last element of the map array should be
    (*map)[35][69]. As you can see the error occurs well before the last element, so I did not go beyond the array's boundaries, that is to say I did not try to access memory beyond the last array element.

    Here is the output from the program before and after allocating the memory for the map array running by itself (without the Turbo Debugger):

    nmemb = 2520 bytes (number of array elements for map array).
    sizeof(map_type) = 35 bytes (size of array elements of map array).
    nmemb * sizeof(map_type) = 88200 bytes (size of map array).
    farcoreleft() = 530432 bytes.
    coreleft() = 530432 bytes.
    88200 bytes of memory successfully allocated for map array!
    farcoreleft() = 442224 bytes.
    coreleft() = 442224 bytes.

    Here is the output from the program before and after allocating the memory for the map array while running inside the Turbo Debugger:

    nmemb = 2520 bytes (number of array elements for map array).
    sizeof(map_type) = 35 bytes (size of array elements of map array).
    nmemb * sizeof(map_type) = 88200 bytes (size of map array).
    farcoreleft() = 216528 bytes.
    coreleft() = 216528 bytes.
    88200 bytes of memory successfully allocated for map array!
    farcoreleft() = 128320 bytes.
    coreleft() = 128320 bytes.
    Here is a part the program inside Turbo Debugger at function init_map():

    +-[_]-Module: PAC_CH05 File: PAC_CH05.C_276---------------------------1-[][]-+
    ¦     printf(" of memory successfully allocated for map array!\n");            -
    ¦     printf("farcoreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", farcoreleft());                   _
    ¦     printf("coreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", coreleft());                         _
    ¦     getch();                                                                 _
    ¦                                                                              _
    ¦     for (y =  0; y < MAP_MAX_ROWS; y++)                                      _
    ¦     {                                                                        _
    ¦       for (x = 0; x < MAP_MAX_COLS; x++)                                    _
    ¦        {                                                                     _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].accessible = FALSE;                                   _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].dot = FALSE;                                          _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].power_pill = FALSE;                                   _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].go_left_x = -1;                                       _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].go_left_y = -1;                                       _
    ¦           (*map)[y][x].go_right_x = -1;                                      ..
    ¦(*map) struct  [9][70] {{{'\0','\0','\0',-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-¦
    ¦map                          struct  (far *)[9][70] 6F62:0004                 ¦
    ¦x                            unsigned long 70L (0x46)                         ¦
    ¦y                            unsigned long 26L (0x1A)                         ¦
    F1-Help F2-Bkpt F3-Mod F4-Here F5-Zoom F6-Next F7-Trace F8-Step F9-Run F10-Menu
    I am not certain what I should be looking for in the Turbo Debugger, perhaps the DS and/or ES Registers (the Data and Extra Segment:Offset Registers).

    I am aware of the 640 Kilobyte limit of RAM Memory within the 1 Megabyte block of RAM when running in Real Mode in DOS. I have recently been playing with PMLITE versions 1.0 and 2.0 by SciTech Software that is suppose allow access to Extended Memory in Protected Mode via DPMI16 and DPMI32 DOS Extenders, but I have only been able to run their example C program in Real Mode.


    Here is my program:

    #include <graphics.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <dos.h>
    #include <alloc.h>
    /* Macro Definitions */
    #define CLIP_ON 1
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS 10
    #define MAX_ACTOR_FRAMES 8
    #define MAX_ACTOR_DEGREES 37
    #define UP_DIR 90
    #define DOWN_DIR 270
    #define LEFT_DIR 180
    #define RIGHT_DIR 0
    #define ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE 10
    #define MAP_MAX_ROWS 36L
    #define MAP_MAX_COLS 70L
    /* Subroutines */
    void setup_graphics_screen(void);
    void init_map(void);
    void create_pacman(void);
    void draw_ghost_boxes(void);
    void draw_map_grid(void);
    void play_pacman(void);
    void display_polar_graph2(int back_color, int fore_color, int text_color);
    void free_pacman_mem(void);
    void pause(void);
    /* Variables */
    char *buff;
    float degrees_to_radians;
    typedef unsigned char BOOL;
    typedef struct {
       unsigned int width;
       int min_x;
       int max_x;
       int min_y;
       int max_y;
    } border_type;
    typedef struct {
       int left;
       int top;
       int right;
       int bottom;
       void far *image;
    } quad_type;
    typedef struct {
       int gerror;
       int gdriver;
       int gmode;
       int page;
       int x_max;
       int y_max;
       int x_center;
       int y_center;
       border_type border;
       quad_type q1;
       quad_type q2;
       quad_type q3;
       quad_type q4;
    } screen_type;
    screen_type screen;
    typedef struct {
       float x;
       float y;
    } coord_type;
    typedef struct {
       int max_revs;
       coord_type far *p;
    } coord_array_type;
    coord_array_type spiral;
    coord_array_type flower;
    typedef struct {
       int duration;
       int frequency;
       int interval;
    } sound_type;
    typedef struct {
       int max_sounds;
       sound_type far *p;
    } sound_array_type;
    sound_array_type spin_spiral_sounds;
    typedef struct {
       BOOL accessible;
       BOOL dot;
       BOOL power_pill;
       int go_left_x;
       int go_left_y;
       int go_right_x;
       int go_right_y;
       int go_up_x;
       int go_up_y;
       int go_down_x;
       int go_down_y;
       int pacman_left_heading;
       int pacman_right_heading;
       int pacman_up_heading;
       int pacman_down_heading;
       int ghost_left_heading;
       int ghost_right_heading;
       int ghost_up_heading;
       int ghost_down_heading;
    } map_type;
    map_type huge (*map)[MAP_MAX_ROWS][MAP_MAX_COLS];
    typedef struct {
       int x;
       int y;
       int old_x;
       int old_y;
       int heading;
       int old_heading;
       int frame;
       int old_frame;
       quad_type images[MAX_ACTOR_DEGREES][MAX_ACTOR_FRAMES];
    } actor_type;
    actor_type pacman;
    int main(void)
       /* Erase the screen in WHITE */
       setaspectratio(1, 1);
       display_polar_graph2(WHITE, LIGHTGREEN, BLUE);
       if (map != NULL) farfree(map);
    void setup_graphics_screen(void)
       screen.gdriver = VGA;
       screen.gmode = VGAMED; /* 640 x 350 resolution, 16 colors, 2 pages */
       initgraph(&screen.gdriver, &screen.gmode, "c:\\borlandc\\bgi");
       screen.gerror = graphresult();
       if (screen.gerror != grOk)
         printf("\nAt function:  setup_graphics_screen().\n");
         printf("BGI error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(screen.gerror));
         printf("screen.gerror == %d\n\n", screen.gerror);
         printf("This error occurred after calling the initgraph() function.\n");
         printf("Press any key to end program. ");
       /* Initialize global screen variables */ = 0;
       screen.x_max = getmaxx();
       screen.y_max = getmaxy();
       screen.x_center = screen.x_max / 2;
       screen.y_center = screen.y_max / 2;
       /* Initialize global screen border variables */
       screen.border.width = 24;
       screen.border.min_x = screen.border.width;
       screen.border.max_x = screen.x_max - screen.border.width;
       screen.border.min_y = screen.border.width;
       screen.border.max_y = screen.y_max - screen.border.width;
       degrees_to_radians = M_PI / 180.0;
    void init_map(void)
       unsigned long x, y;
       unsigned long nmemb;
       unsigned long map_type_size;
       unsigned long map_size;
       nmemb = MAP_MAX_ROWS * MAP_MAX_COLS;
       map_type_size = sizeof(map_type);
       map_size = nmemb * map_type_size;
       printf("nmemb = %lu bytes", nmemb);
       printf(" (number of array elements for map array).\n");
       printf("sizeof(map_type) = %lu bytes", map_type_size);
       printf(" (size of array elements of map array).\n");
       printf("nmemb * sizeof(map_type) = %lu bytes", map_size);
       printf(" (size of map array).\n");
       printf("farcoreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", farcoreleft());
       printf("coreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", coreleft());
       map = (map_type huge *) farcalloc(nmemb, map_type_size);
       map = farcalloc(nmemb, map_type_size);
       if (map == NULL)
          printf("\nAt function:  init_map().\n");
          printf("Not enough memory to allocate for map array.\n");
          printf("farcoreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", farcoreleft());
          printf("Press any key to end program. ");
       printf("\n%lu bytes", map_size);
       printf(" of memory successfully allocated for map array!\n");
       printf("farcoreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", farcoreleft());
       printf("coreleft() = %lu bytes.\n", coreleft());
       for (y =  0; y < MAP_MAX_ROWS; y++)
          for (x = 0; x < MAP_MAX_COLS; x++)
    	 (*map)[y][x].accessible = FALSE;
    	 (*map)[y][x].dot = FALSE;
    	 (*map)[y][x].power_pill = FALSE;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_left_x = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_left_y = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_right_x = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_right_y = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_up_x = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_up_y = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_down_x = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].go_down_y = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].pacman_left_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].pacman_right_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].pacman_up_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].pacman_down_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].ghost_left_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].ghost_right_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].ghost_up_heading = -1;
    	 (*map)[y][x].ghost_down_heading = -1;
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].accessible = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].dot = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].power_pill = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_left_x = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_left_y = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_right_x = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_right_y = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_up_x = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_up_y = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_down_x = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].go_down_y = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].pacman_left_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].pacman_right_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].pacman_up_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].pacman_down_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].ghost_left_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].ghost_right_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].ghost_up_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 printf("(*map)[%lu][%lu].ghost_down_heading = %d\n", y, x,
    	 if (y >= 26L) getch();
          } /* end for x */
       } /* end for y */
    void draw_map_grid(void)
       int left, top, right, bottom;
       /* Draw 2 dimensional grid of rectangles in LIGHTRED */
       setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 1, NORM_WIDTH);
       for (top = (screen.border.min_y - 3); top < screen.border.max_y;
       top = top + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3))
          bottom = top + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
          for (left = screen.border.min_x - 2; left < screen.border.max_x;
    	   left = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3))
    	 right = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
    	 rectangle(left, top, right, bottom);
          } /* end for left */
       } /* end for top */
       /* Now draw the same 2 dimesional grid of rectangles in CYAN dashed */
       /* lines starting at the starting x coordinate plus the             */
       /* ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE                                                */
       setlinestyle(DASHED_LINE, 1, NORM_WIDTH);
       for (top = (screen.border.min_y - 3); top < screen.border.max_y;
       top = top + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) -3))
          bottom = top + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
          for (left = (screen.border.min_x - 2) + ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE;
    	   left < screen.border.max_x;
    	   left = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3))
    	 right = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
    	 rectangle(left, top, right, bottom);
          } /* end for left */
       } /* end for top */
       /* Draw a row of rectangles in MAGENTA dotted lines at the center */
       /* row of the screen to confirm that the grid just drawn lines up */
       /* to where it should be                                          */
       setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE, 1, NORM_WIDTH);
       top = screen.y_center - ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
       bottom = top + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
       for (left = (screen.border.min_x - 2) + ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE;
    	left < screen.border.max_x;
    	left = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3))
          right = left + ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
          rectangle(left, top, right, bottom);
       } /* end for left */
       setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 1, NORM_WIDTH);
       /* Draw the pacman image at the left column center row of the screen */
       /* within the 2 dimensional grid                                     */
       left = screen.border.min_x - 2;
       top = screen.y_center - ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = left;
       pacman.y = top;
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[RIGHT_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
    void create_pacman(void)
       int row, col, new_col;
       int col_cnt;
       int frame;
       int old_start_angle, old_end_angle;
       int start_angle, end_angle;
       int degree;
       /* Create a grid by drawing horizontal and vetical lines in red */
       for (row = 0; row < 349; row = row + 20)
          line(0, row, 639, row);
       for (col = 0; col < 639; col = col + 20)
          line (col, 0, col, 349);
       line(0, 349, 639, 349); /* Draw horizontal bottom line */
       line(639, 0, 639, 349); /* Draw vertical line on the right side */
       /* Draw Pacman rotated from 0 degrees to 360 degrees at 10 degree      */
       /* intervals.                                                          */
       /* 8 frames, each frame with his mouth opened 10 degrees more than the */
       /* previous frame, starting at 0 degrees opened to 50 degrees opened,  */
       /* then his mouth closing 10 degrees more than the previous frame.     */
       /* First set of 17 rows rotating from 0 degrees to 160 degrees */
       setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);
       old_start_angle = 20;
       old_end_angle = 340;
       start_angle = old_start_angle;
       end_angle = old_end_angle;
       for (row = 10; row < 349; row = row + 20)
          /* Draw Frame 0, a solid circle */
          circle(10, row, 8);
          floodfill(10, row, BLUE);
          circle(10, row, 8);
          /* Draw the remaining 7 frames, Frames 1 through 7.           */
          /* Frames 1, 2, and 3 are duplicated for Frames 7, 6, and 5   */
          /* respectively.  Frame 4 is not duplicated, it is unique.    */
          col = 30;
          new_col = 150;
          for (frame = 1; frame < 5; frame++)
    	 if (start_angle > end_angle)
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	 start_angle += 10;
    	 end_angle -= 10;
    	 if (end_angle < 0) end_angle = 360 + end_angle;
    	 col += 20;
    	 new_col -= 20;
          } /* end for frame */
          old_start_angle += 10;
          old_end_angle += 10;
          if (old_end_angle > 360) old_end_angle = 0;
          start_angle = old_start_angle;
          end_angle = old_end_angle;
       } /* end for row */
       /* Second set of 17 rows rotating from 170 degrees to 330 degrees */
       setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);
       for (row = 10; row < 349; row = row + 20)
          /* Draw Frame 0, a solid circle */
          circle(190, row, 8);
          floodfill(190, row, BLUE);
          circle(190, row, 8);
          /* Draw the remaining 7 frames, Frames 1 through 7.           */
          /* Frames 1, 2, and 3 are duplicated for Frames 7, 6, and 5   */
          /* respectively.  Frame 4 is not duplicated, it is unique.    */
          col = 210;
          new_col = 330;
          for (frame = 1; frame < 5; frame++)
    	 if (start_angle > end_angle)
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	 start_angle += 10;
    	 end_angle -= 10;
    	 if (start_angle >= 360) start_angle -= 360;
    	 col += 20;
    	 new_col -= 20;
          } /* end for frame */
          old_start_angle += 10;
          old_end_angle += 10;
          if (old_start_angle > 360) old_start_angle -= 360;
          if (old_end_angle > 360) old_end_angle -= 360;
          start_angle = old_start_angle;
          end_angle = old_end_angle;
       } /* end for row */
       /* Third set of 17 rows rotating from 340 degrees to 360 degrees */
       setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);
       for (row = 10; row < 70; row = row + 20)
          /* Draw Frame 0, a solid circle */
          circle(370, row, 8);
          floodfill(370, row, BLUE);
          circle(370, row, 8);
          /* Draw the remaining 7 frames, Frames 1 through 7.           */
          /* Frames 1, 2, and 3 are duplicated for Frames 7, 6, and 5   */
          /* respectively.  Frame 4 is not duplicated, it is unique.    */
          col = 390;
          new_col = 510;
          if (start_angle >= 360) start_angle -= 360;
          for (frame = 1; frame < 5; frame++)
    	 if (start_angle > end_angle)
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, 360, 8);
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, 0, end_angle, 8);
    	    pieslice(col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	    if (frame < 4)
    	       pieslice(new_col, row, start_angle, end_angle, 8);
    	 start_angle += 10;
    	 end_angle -= 10;
    	 if (start_angle >= 360) start_angle -= 360;
    	 col += 20;
    	 new_col -= 20;
          } /* end for frame */
          old_start_angle += 10;
          old_end_angle += 10;
          if (old_start_angle > 360) old_start_angle -= 360;
          if (old_end_angle > 360) old_end_angle -= 360;
          start_angle = old_start_angle;
          end_angle = old_end_angle;
       } /* end for row */
       /* Get Pacman images from the video screen & store in an array of images */
       row = 1;
       col = 1;
       col_cnt = 1;
       new_col = 1;
       for (degree = 0; degree < MAX_ACTOR_DEGREES; degree++)
          for (frame = 0; frame < MAX_ACTOR_FRAMES; frame++)
    	 pacman.images[degree][frame].left = col;
    	 pacman.images[degree][frame].top = row;
    	 pacman.images[degree][frame].right = col + 18;
    	 pacman.images[degree][frame].bottom = row + 18;
    	 pacman.images[degree][frame].image =
    	 if (pacman.images[degree][frame].image == NULL)
    	    printf("\nAt function:  create_pacman().\n");
    	    printf("\Not enough memory to allocate for ");
    	    printf("pacman.images[%d][%d].image.\n", degree, frame);
    	    printf("Press any key to end program. ");
    	 /* Draw a blue frame around the pacman image */
    	 col += 20;
          } /* end for frame */
          row += 20;
          if (row > 339)
    	 row = 1;
    	 if (col_cnt == 2)
    	    col = 181;
    	    new_col = 181;
    	 else if (col_cnt == 3)
    	    col = 361;
    	    new_col = 361;
          col = new_col;
       } /* end for degree */
       /* Clear the screen and display the array of pacman images */
       for (degree = 0; degree < MAX_ACTOR_DEGREES; degree++)
          for (frame = 0; frame < MAX_ACTOR_FRAMES; frame++)
    		  pacman.images[degree][frame].image, COPY_PUT);
          } /* end for frame */
       } /* end for degree */
    void draw_ghost_boxes(void)
       /* Draw box on the left side of the screen half way down the screen */
       rectangle(2, screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	     (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4,
    	     screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4));
       /* Draw a yellow line to represent the doorway */
       line((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4,
    	screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4,
    	screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2));
       /* Draw Pacman inside left side box */
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = 5;
       pacman.y = (screen.y_center - ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE) + 3;
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[RIGHT_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
       /* Draw box on the right side of the screen half way down the screen */
       rectangle((screen.x_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4,
    	     screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	     screen.x_max - 2,
    	     screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4));
       /* Draw a yellow line to represent the doorway */
       line((screen.x_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4,
    	screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(screen.x_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4,
    	screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2));
       /* Draw Pacman inside right side box */
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = (screen.x_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
       pacman.y = (screen.y_center - ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE) + 3;
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[LEFT_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
       /* Draw box on the top of the screen half way across the screen */
       rectangle(screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4), 3,
    	     screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	     (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4);
       /* Draw a yellow line to represent the doorway */
       line(screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4,
    	screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 4);
       /* Draw Pacman inside top box */
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = (screen.x_center - ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE) + 2;
       pacman.y = 5;
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[DOWN_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
       /* Draw box on the bottom of the screen half way across the screen */
       rectangle(screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	     (screen.y_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4,
    	     screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4), screen.y_max - 3);
       /* Draw a yellow line to represent the doorway */
       line(screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(screen.y_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4,
    	screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2),
    	(screen.y_max - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2)) - 4);
       /* Draw Pacman inside bottom box */
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = (screen.x_center - ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE) + 2;
       pacman.y = screen.y_max - ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) + 3);
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[UP_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
    /* Test that the box on the left matches the box on the right */
       line(2, screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	screen.x_max - 2, screen.y_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4));
       line(2, screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	screen.x_max - 2, screen.y_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4));
    /* Test that the box on the top matches the box on the bottom */
       line(screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4), 3,
    	screen.x_center - (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4),
    	screen.y_max - 3);
       line(screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4), 3,
    	screen.x_center + (ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 4), screen.y_max - 3);
    void play_pacman()
       /* Draw Pacman at the center of the screen using Exclusive OR */
       pacman.frame = 5;
       pacman.x = screen.x_center - ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE;
       pacman.y = screen.y_center - ((ACTOR_RADIUS_SIZE * 2) - 3);
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[LEFT_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
       /* Redraw Pacman at the center of the screen using Exclusive OR, which */
       /* will erase him from the screen but restore the background as it was */
       putimage(pacman.x, pacman.y,
    	    pacman.images[LEFT_DIR / 10][pacman.frame].image, XOR_PUT);
    void display_polar_graph2(int back_color, int fore_color, int text_color)
       int old_x_center, old_y_center;
       int angle;
       int radius;
       float x, y;
       /* Erase the screen in background color */
       /* Draw screen border */
       setcolor(text_color); /* Delete this line later. */
       rectangle(screen.border.min_x, screen.border.min_y, screen.border.max_x,
       /* Redefine the screen boundaries to "screen.border.width" pixels from */
       /* the screen edge to allow text at the top and bottom of the screen   */
       /* and to allow degree labels at the top, bottom, left side and right  */
       /* side of the screen.                                                 */
       old_x_center = screen.x_center;
       old_y_center = screen.y_center;
       screen.x_center = ((screen.border.max_x - screen.border.min_x) + 1) / 2;
       screen.y_center = ((screen.border.max_y - screen.border.min_y) + 1) / 2;
       setviewport(screen.border.min_x, screen.border.min_y, screen.border.max_x,
    	       screen.border.max_y, CLIP_ON);
       /* Draw concentric circles within the new screen boundaries */
       for (radius = CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS + 45; radius < screen.x_center; radius += 45)
          circle(screen.x_center, screen.y_center, radius);
    /* end for */
       /* Draw lines from the center of the screen to the edge of the new */
       /* screen boundaries from 0 degrees to 360 degrees                 */
       radius = sqrt(((double) screen.x_center * (double) screen.x_center)
    		   + ((double) screen.y_center * (double) screen.y_center));
       for (angle = 360; angle > 0; angle -= 90)
          /* Move to a point on the inner most circle */
          x = (CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS * cos(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          y = (CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS * sin(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          x += screen.x_center;
          y += screen.y_center;
          moveto(x, y);
          /* Move from the inner most circle to the edge of the new screen */
          /* boundaries                                                    */
          x = (radius * cos(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          y = (radius * sin(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          x += screen.x_center;
          y += screen.y_center;
          lineto(x, y);
       } /* end for */
       for (angle = 45; angle < 360; angle += 90)
          /* Move to a point on the second inner most circle */
          x = ((CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS + 45) * cos(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          y = ((CIRCLE_MIN_RADIUS + 45) * sin(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          x += screen.x_center;
          y += screen.y_center;
          moveto(x, y);
          /* Move from the inner most circle to the edge of the new screen */
          /* boundaries                                                    */
          x = (radius * cos(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          y = (radius * sin(angle * degrees_to_radians)) + 0.5;
          x += screen.x_center;
          y += screen.y_center;
          lineto(x, y);
       } /* end for */
       /* Draw cross-hair at the center of the screen */
       moveto(screen.x_center, screen.y_center - 10);
       lineto(screen.x_center, screen.y_center + 10);
       moveto(screen.x_center - 10, screen.y_center);
       lineto(screen.x_center + 10, screen.y_center);
       /* Reset the screen back to normal dimensions */
       setviewport(0, 0, screen.x_max, screen.y_max, CLIP_ON);
       screen.x_center = old_x_center;
       screen.y_center = old_y_center;
    void free_pacman_mem(void)
       int frame;
       int degree;
       /* Free the array of images of Pacman */
       for (degree = 0; degree < MAX_ACTOR_DEGREES; degree++)
          for (frame = 0; frame < MAX_ACTOR_FRAMES; frame++)
    	 if (pacman.images[degree][frame].image != NULL)
          } /* end for frame */
       } /* end for degree */
    void pause(void)
       int old_color;
       old_color = getcolor();
       settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 0);
       outtextxy(8, getmaxy() - 12, "Press any key to continue.");
    Last edited by node101; 02-25-2011 at 12:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    map has only one dimension and is only one reference "deep". You're dereferencing it three times in init_map(). E.g. (*map)[y][x] is same as *(*((*map) + y) + x). 2D array allocation looks like this.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define ROWS 10
    #define COLS 10
    int main(void)
      int i, t;
      int **two_dee;
      /* allocate */
      two_dee = malloc(sizeof(*two_dee) * ROWS);
      for (i = 0; i < COLS; ++i)
        two_dee[i] = malloc(sizeof(**two_dee) * COLS);
      /* fill */
      for (i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
        for (t = 0; t < COLS; ++t)
          two_dee[i][t] = (i * t);
      /* output */
      for (i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
        for (t = 0; t < COLS; ++t)
          printf("%4d", two_dee[i][t]);
      return 0;
    Disclaimer: This post shows my ignorance at the time of its making. I claim ownership of but not responsibility for all errors in it. Reference at your own peril.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Feb 2011
    Never mind. I changed the code and made the map array static instead of dynamic and it works on the PC running Windows XP at work. It's time for me to buy a new PC.

    I changed it from:
    map_type huge (*map)[MAP_MAX_ROWS][MAP_MAX_COLS];

    map_type huge map[MAP_MAX_ROWS][MAP_MAX_COLS];


  4. #4
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    In the first, you declare a pointer to an array of the specified side array, in the second, you are actually allocating the array.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  5. #5
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Portland, OR
    Ouch. Declaring an array of structures as "huge" has a ridiculously, I mean amusingly, no the word is ludicrously, high runtime overhead.

    I wish you luck on your archaeological expeditions.
    	if (a) do { f( b); } while(1);
    	else   do { f(!b); } while(1);

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    In the first, you declare a pointer to an array of the specified side array, in the second, you are actually allocating the array.

    Correct, hence in my previous post I referred to the array declaration as dynamic, meaning I allocated memory for the array at runtime.

    Whereas, the second array is declared staticly, meaning the memory allocation for the array occurs when the program is compiled/linked into an executable file, making it a much larger executable file than when I dynamically allocated the memory for the array.

    I got the idea for dynamically declaring a 2 dimensional array from an example program in the book "Using Borland C++ 3", 2nd Edition, by Lee Atkinson and Mark Atkinson, Que Corporation, 1992 (Library of Congress Catalog No.: 91-67634, ISBN: 0-88022-901-2)


    Here is the example program
    (Listing 4.7. newdyna.c. Using array subscripts with a dynamically allocated array):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <alloc.h>
    #define MAXX  8
    #define MAXY  8
       int (*iarray)[MAXX][MAXY];
       size_t nmemb;
       int i, j, k = 0;
       nmemb = MAXX * MAXY;
       if ( NULL == ( iarray = calloc( nmemb, sizeof( int ) ) ) ) {
          printf( "Not able to allocate memory.\n" );
          printf( "Aborting program." );
       for ( i = 0; i < MAXX; i++ ) {
          for ( j = 0; j < MAXY; j++ ) {
             (*iarray)[i][j] = k++;
       for (i = 0; i < MAXX; i++ ) {
          for ( j = 0; j < MAXY; j++ ) {
             printf( "%4d ", (*iarray)[i][j] );
          printf( "\n" );
      free( iarray );
       return 0;

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewbuck View Post
    Ouch. Declaring an array of structures as "huge" has a ridiculously, I mean amusingly, no the word is ludicrously, high runtime overhead.

    I wish you luck on your archaeological expeditions.
    Thanks brewbuck for wishing me luck. However, when I do purchase my new laptop in the near future, I do plan on downloading a free version of MicroSoft Visual C++ and learn how to write C/C++ programs with it. Hopefully, it will be easier than trying to write Windows C/C++ programs with my old Borland C/C++ Windows Compiler. In the meantime, I will continue experimenting with the old PM/Lite DOS extenders with my old Borland C/C++ DOS Compiler.


  8. #8
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Normally when you are trying to make a dynamic 2D array, you just do this:
    type **twodee;
    twodee = malloc( rows * sizeof *twodee );
    for( x = 0; x < rows; x++ )
        twodee[ x ] = malloc( cols * sizeof **twodee );
    A pointer to a 2D array isn't the same thing as a pointer to one element of that type:
    type (*ptrtoarray)[X][Y]; /* is not the same as... */
    type *ptr; /* which is what you have when you do... */
    ptr = malloc( X * Y );
    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  9. #9
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    I LOL'ed when I saw 1000+ lines of TurboCrap code and "out of memory".

    Seriously, ditch it now and get a real compiler for your real OS. All you're going to be doing now is persuing a bit of knowledge (how to hack past stupid memory limits) only to NEVER use that information again.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by node101 View Post

    My system:
    Operating System: Windows98 Second Edition
    RAM: 152 Megabtes (160 MB - 8 MB for Video = 152 MB)
    Compiler/Linker: Borland C++ 3.1 for DOS and Windows 3.1
    My friend, you have some *serious* updating to do...

  11. #11
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Isn't "farcalloc" used to allocate memory on the stack? The stack has strict size limitations! ( Depending on the CPU )
    Devoted my life to programming...

  12. #12
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by node101 View Post
    My system:
    Operating System: Windows98 Second Edition
    RAM: 152 Megabtes (160 MB - 8 MB for Video = 152 MB)
    Compiler/Linker: Borland C++ 3.1 for DOS and Windows 3.1

    I am using the DOS version of the compiler.

    Compiler Options:
    Memory Model: Huge
    Instruction Set: 80386
    If your CPU is of that set too, i suggest to post it for sell. This processor is worth big money for collectors!
    Devoted my life to programming...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by node101
    My system:
    Operating System: Windows98 Second Edition
    RAM: 152 Megabtes (160 MB - 8 MB for Video = 152 MB)
    Compiler/Linker: Borland C++ 3.1 for DOS and Windows 3.1

    I am using the DOS version of the compiler.

    Compiler Options:
    Memory Model: Huge
    Instruction Set: 80386
    Quote Originally Posted by Sipher View Post
    If your CPU is of that set too, i suggest to post it for sell. This processor is worth big money for collectors!

    No, my

    CPU: AMD-K6 3D processor, 400 MHz (equivalent to a Pentium 2 processor)

    PC: Compaq Presario, Model 1247 laptop
    (with Keyboard, Mouse, Compaq Q2009 20 inch Widescreen LCD Monitor, CD Burner, and Printer plugged into it.)

    It is just that the Borland C ++ Compiler for DOS has these Instruction Set choices:

    1. 8088/8086
    2. 80186
    3. 80286
    4. 80386

    My original program and revised program failed when compiled under each of these Instruction Set choices when I ran it under Windows98. However, my revised program ran successfully under WindowsXP.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by node101 View Post
    No, my

    CPU: AMD-K6 3D processor, 400 MHz (equivalent to a Pentium 2 processor)

    PC: Compaq Presario, Model 1247 laptop
    (with Keyboard, Mouse, Compaq Q2009 20 inch Widescreen LCD Monitor, CD Burner, and Printer plugged into it.)

    It is just that the Borland C ++ Compiler for DOS has these Instruction Set choices:

    1. 8088/8086
    2. 80186
    3. 80286
    4. 80386

    My original program and revised program failed when compiled under each of these Instruction Set choices when I ran it under Windows98. However, my revised program ran successfully under WindowsXP.

    But, as everyone is telling you... that is some SERIOUSLY outdated hardware and software you're working with...

    The compiler is 16 bits i.e 2 byte integers... and before long it will not be supported by new operating systems... 64 bit systems already refuse to run 16 bit code... 32 bit systems won't be far behind that. In fact, I'm guessing that in as little as 5 years new systems will not be supporting 32 bit code anymore...

    Hardware wise you're stuck in the late 1980s... 20 year old machines for which you can't even get drivers or upgrades anymore.

    If the only place your software is ever going to run is on your own computers that's all fine and dandy... but you have got to know that a LOT has changed since that was the "ultimate" setup and most of what you have there won't even run on newer machines.

  15. #15
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    Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Sipher View Post
    Isn't "farcalloc" used to allocate memory on the stack? The stack has strict size limitations! ( Depending on the CPU )
    Naaa... it harkens back to the days of HIMEM and TSRs under DOS... Memory segmentation and all that stuff.

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