Thread: serial

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Oslo, Norway


    Hi all.
    I have a arduino project, with serial comminication toward my PC.

    When I send a serial command from my computer, I send data like values for setpoints etc. like:
    A setpoint for light, "k1: 255," or turn on/of things.

    There's manny different values given from PC. So I split the values and replace the space between "k1: 255," so its like this "k1:255,".

    In i then use "left() and len()" function to then choose next things to do.
    I have:
    k - setpoints, 0-100%, or setpoints for sensors
    w - setpoint on/off
    t - timers

    So when I read the first letter in the array, I deside if its a k, w or t.
    Then I use the hole array to set a textbox.

    So my question regarding C is:
    I wanna do similar in "C". I want to get my serial data, and place the "data" right place.
    Like, I send a 0-255 value from computer, "k1: 244,", I retrieve this in "arduino" and I want to give a light brightness. analogWrite(ledPin10, brightness);
    So I need to split my input, (k1: 244,) and store value so I could get it later in program.


  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2010
    You can use sprintf() to combine the parts of your string.


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