Thread: Pointers in a function, sizeof doesn't get array length

  1. #1
    Math wizard
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    Pointers in a function, sizeof doesn't get array length

    When a function takes a pointer to an array as a parameter, how do I determine the size of the array and not the pointer? This is what I mean, for a brief example:

    unsigned char RandomArray[16384];
    void TestFunction(unsigned char *ArrayPointer)
       const int ArrayLength = sizeof(ArrayPointer); // * or & in front doesn't work
       const int ObviousRoute = sizeof(RandomArray); // this works as expected
    I need the top case to work, not the bottom case. The function processes multiple arrays and I need to make sure I don't exceed the array's limit. Whether I put * or & in the front, I don't get the 16,384 I'm expecting, just 1 in the case of the * and 4 in the case of the & (the latter I'd expect since it's getting the address instead, a 32-bit value).
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  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    You're just going to have to pass the size as an additional parameter.

    There is NO WAY to discover how much memory a pointer points to from just looking at the pointer.
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ulillillia View Post
    When a function takes a pointer to an array as a parameter, how do I determine the size of the array and not the pointer? This is what I mean, for a brief example:

    unsigned char RandomArray[16384];
    void TestFunction(unsigned char *ArrayPointer)
       const int ArrayLength = sizeof(ArrayPointer); // * or & in front doesn't work
       const int ObviousRoute = sizeof(RandomArray); // this works as expected
    I need the top case to work, not the bottom case. The function processes multiple arrays and I need to make sure I don't exceed the array's limit. Whether I put * or & in the front, I don't get the 16,384 I'm expecting, just 1 in the case of the * and 4 in the case of the & (the latter I'd expect since it's getting the address instead, a 32-bit value).
    Actually sizeof() is behaving correctly... in the first line you asked it for the size of a pointer which it obediently returned.

    If your function is working on arrays by pointer you will need to add a second parameter to your function and pass in the size of the array as a value.

    If, by chance, those arrays are holding strings which may be of different lengths you can use strlen() to discover the size of the string... but not of the buffer holding it.

    Your other choice is to add an extra element to each array and use a guard value in that last element that can't possibly occur in normal use... something like -127... you can then scan forward from the array pointer until you find your guard value... and derive your array size from that.

  5. #5
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ulillillia View Post
    When a function takes a pointer to an array as a parameter, how do I determine the size of the array and not the pointer? This is what I mean, for a brief example:

    unsigned char RandomArray[16384];
    void TestFunction(unsigned char *ArrayPointer)
       const int ArrayLength = sizeof(ArrayPointer); // * or & in front doesn't work
       const int ObviousRoute = sizeof(RandomArray); // this works as expected
    I need the top case to work, not the bottom case. The function processes multiple arrays and I need to make sure I don't exceed the array's limit. Whether I put * or & in the front, I don't get the 16,384 I'm expecting, just 1 in the case of the * and 4 in the case of the & (the latter I'd expect since it's getting the address instead, a 32-bit value).
    You could use a structure, rather than passing the array itself to functions:

    #define spanof( data )\
    ( sizeof( data ) / sizeof( data[ 0 ] ) )
    #define define_array( type )\
    struct array_##type  {\
    type* data;\
    size_t size;\
    // Example
    #include "stdio.h"
    define_array( int );
    void display( array_int values ) {
        for( size_t idx = 0; idx < values.size; ++idx ) {
            printf( "%d ",[ idx ] );
    int main( ) {
        int loc[ 7 ] = { 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9 };
        array_int vls = { loc, spanof( loc ) };    
        display( vls );
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

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