Basically i have taken 8 bytes and used their lsb's to hide the digits of my one byte.

e.g 11100011 10011010 01010101 10000000 1111111 00001111 11110000 10101010

byte i want to hide: 10010001 after my operation:

		b1 = b1&0xfe;
		b1 = b1 |((b0>>i)&1);
the above 8 bytes should have lsb's like this:

11100011 10011010 0101010(0) 10000000 1111111 0000111(0) 11110000 1010101(1)

the (..) indicate that the lsb was changed.

basically what i am supposed to be doing and that is what i believe i am doing is taking the lsb of each byte and replace it with the bits of my byte. If bit in position is same as my bit that i want to hide than do nothing if its 0 and my bit to hide is 1 than change the zero to 1 if its 1 and my bit to hide is 0 change the lsb to 0.
Once i am done "hiding" my byte into lsb's of eight other bytes i need to extract the lsb's of the eight bytes out to form my original byte again.

Can any one assist me with this and tell me how i can do that?

thanks for your help