hi, im new to programming and was wondering could anyone tell me what is wrong with this program?:

#include <stdio.h>

char set_user, set_pass, user, pass;

main() {
	printf("Set your Username: ");
	scanf("%s", &set_user);
	printf("Set your Password: ");
	scanf("%s", &set_pass);
	printf("Username: ");
	scanf("%s", &user);
	printf("Password: ");
	scanf("%s", &pass);
	if ( set_user == user && set_pass == pass ) {
		printf("Welcome to your system\n");
	else {
		printf("Username or Password is incorrect\n");
Ive tried compiling with: gcc -x c '/root/Program Files/user_and_pass.c'
and: g++ -x c '/root/Program Files/user_and_pass.c'

it compiled but when i tried the program

Set your Username: name
Set your Password: pass
Username: name
Password: pass
Username or Password is incorrect
Thanks in advance.