Write a program to test the circuit reliability with random numbers as many times as the user requests.
The circuit: I can't figure out how to get the attachment to work so here's my best at describing the circuit in words. A(reliability .80) is parallel with B(r=.75). AB is in series with D(r=.90). C(r=.90) is in series with E(r=.70). CE is in parallel with ABD.

I have this so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

//prototypes (function announcement)

//function main
int main ()
   // declarations and initialzations
        float rblty=0;
        int  request;
        float success=0,i=0;

    //prompts and scans
    printf("\nHow many times? ");
    scanf("%d", &request);

     if ((rand()%101)<=69)//component E

    if ((rand()%101)<74) //component B


    if ((rand()%101)<=79)//component A


  if ((rand()%101)<=89)//component D

 if ((rand()%101)<=89)//component C

   rblty= (success)/i;


printf("Reliability: %f%% ", rblty *100);
return 0;
I think the random numbers are working, but I can't figure out how to connect the reliability for the components to one another to find the total number of successes and I'm calculating the total reliability based on reliability=number of successes/number of trials. Any help would be greatly appreciated.