i need to write a program which reads three files containing data... this data is organized in the same manner in all of the files and only differs in its numbers...

i wrote a program to read one file and manipulate its content, but i don't know how to get this program to read the other two files following this one in the exact same way..

could i use a function to get this program to work?

#include <stdio.h>
main ()
    FILE *ontariofile;
    int beachnum, sampnum, s;         
    double samp,total, avg;
    ontariofile = fopen ("ontario.txt", "r");
    while (fscanf (ontariofile, "%d", &beachnum) != EOF)
        total = 0;
        fscanf (ontariofile, "%d", &sampnum);
                for (s = 1; s <= sampnum; ++s)
                    fscanf (ontariofile, "%lf", &samp);
                    total = total + samp;
                avg = total / sampnum;
                if (avg > 50)
                    printf ("%d: open\n", beachnum);
                else if (avg < 50)
                printf ("%d: closed\n", beachnum);
            if (sampnum <3) 
                printf ("%d: insufficient data\n", beachnum);
fclose (ontariofile);