Thread: Struct Not Being Reconized

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Oct 2010

    Struct Not Being Reconized

    I am writing a program for a data structures class in which we are using pre-written functions from the teacher (and I use that term loosely) and we are to basicly build the main driver loop. I have run into a problem in which the struct does not seem to be acting as it should. I get a lot of errors and warnings when trying to complile about it not seeing elements of the structure itself.

    Can someone take a look at this and see if there are any glaring mistakes...(some of the last function is not written yet but that is the least of my issue).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define MAXQUEUE 5
    /* The Queue is declared as a Structure with three members:
    	item, front and back. Front & back keeps track of the index values of
    	Queue for circular reference and array items is used for storage of
    	the items */
    struct stack
    	 int front,rear;
    	 int items [MAXQUEUE];
    /* Prototypes */
    void initQ   (struct queue *pq);
    int  emptyQ  (struct queue *pq);
    void insertQ (struct queue *pq, int x);
    int  removeQ (struct queue *pq);
    int  EvenOdd (int x);
    int  flushQ  (int temp[]);
    /*  Main Program */
    int main (void)
    	char response;              // for driving main program loop
    	int numb,front,rear,items;  // for holding numbers
    	int temp[MAXQUEUE];			 // holds items for final print
    	struct stack pq;             // Stack 'pq' used to store numbers
    	initQ (&pq);             // Call to initialize the stack
    	clrscr();                   // Clear the screen
    	// ask to start the program... if '!y' exit
    	fflush (stdin);
    	printf("\n\n\nDo you want to enter items into the Queue? (y/n) > ");
    	scanf("%c", &response);
    	while (response == 'y')
    		clrscr();                // Clear the screen
    		printf("\nEnter a number...");
    		printf("\n **NOTE**  whole numbers only (no decimal points) ");
    		fflush (stdin);
    		//Evaluate Inputed Number for Odd or Even and Process
    		if (items < 0)
    			printf("\n\n\t %d Inserted",items);
    			items = removeQ (&pq);    //take front number from the queue
    			if (items < 0)
    				printf("\n\n\t\t Queue is Empty - No Deletion Possible.");
    			printf("\n %d Deleted",items);
    		fflush (stdin);
    		printf("\n\n\n\t Do you want to enter another number? (y/n) > ");
    		scanf("%c", &response);
    	if (numb < 0)
    		printf("Nothing Left in the Queue");
    		printf("\n\t\t Number of Items left in the Queue is %d",items);
    		printf("\n\t\t Front Item is %d",front);
    		printf("\n\t\t Back Item is %d",rear);
    	printf("\n\n\n PROGRAM TERMINATED");
    	return 1;
    /* This function initializes the Queue   */
    void initQ (struct queue *pq)
    	 pq->front = MAXQUEUE-1;
    	 pq->rear = MAXQUEUE -1;
    /* This function checks if the queue is empty   */
    int emptyQ (struct queue *pq)
    	  if  (pq->front == pq->rear)
    			return (TRUE);
    			return (FALSE);
    /* This function will insert items into the queue   */
    void insertQ (struct queue *pq, int x)
    	 int temp;
    	 temp = pq->rear ;
    	 if (pq->rear == MAXQUEUE-1)
    		  pq->rear =  0;
    	  /*  Chech for overflow  */
    	  if (pq->rear == pq->front)
    		  printf("%d Could not be inserted-Queue is Full\n",x);
    		  pq->rear = temp;
    		  pq->items[pq->rear] = x;
    /* This function  will remove items from the queue
    		(If queue is empty it returns 0,
    			 else it removes the front item and returns it's value) */
    int removeQ (struct queue *pq)
    	 if (empty(&pq) == TRUE )
    			return 0;
    		if (pq->front == MAXQUEUE-1)
    			pq->front = 0;
    /* This function checks if number is Odd or Even If odd return -1 else
    		return number inputed   */
    int EvenOdd (int x)
    	 if (x%2>0)
    	 {           // odd if there is a remainder
    		return -1;       // return odd
    	 return x;          // return number given
    /* This function checks if number is Odd or Even If odd return -1 else
    		return number inputed   */
    int flushQ (int temp[])
    	int x;
    	x=remove(&pq);			// remove front number and stores it
    	if (x < 0)
    		return -1;
    		front = x;
    	// may drive this with a for loop
    	if (rear<0)  // stack is empty
    		printf("\n\n The Total number of items in the queue are... ",items);
    		printf("%d, ",front);
    		return 1;
    	return 2;

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    May 2010
    void initQ   (struct queue *pq);
    int  emptyQ  (struct queue *pq);
    void insertQ (struct queue *pq, int x);
    int  removeQ (struct queue *pq);
    Where is the struct queue defined? Should struct stack be struct queue?


  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Oct 2010

    Thumbs up

    Sometimes it takes a second pair of eyes. Thanks, that cleared most of the issues. Still getting some errors in flushQ but I was just beginning to filter through it when I decided to compile to work through it.

    That was only two hours worth of beating my head against the desk for a 15 minute wait on help...

    Where would I be without banging my head against the desk!)

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    May 2010
    When you look at your error messages the line number where the error occurred usually helps find the error.


  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Oct 2010
    yes I know and I kept looking right past the obvious!

    With prcatice you begin to reconize these types of errors.

    If you don't ever make a mistake, you have either learned nothing or do not want to learn anything new!

    Thanks for all the positive feedback. We can call this one closed for now!

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