i have a problem using strtok.
i'm trying to write a c program that counts the number of words in a sentence.
i'm using strtok , but for some reason i get an exception while the call for strtok is being provoked.

here is my code:

int countWords(char str[]){
    int counter;
    char * tmp;

    printf("the string is: %s\n", str);
    tmp = strtok(str," ");
    while (tmp != NULL){
        printf("%s\n", tmp);
        tmp = strtok(NULL," ");
    return counter;
int main(){
    int s;

    s = countWords2("amir is bla bla bla ");
    printf("%d", s);
    return 0;
when i define the string in the fumction itself the problem doesent occur.
so i'm guessing the problemis with the pointer i'm sending to the function, but i cant really understand how it is a problem and how do i solve it.

waiting for your wise replies