I'm in college and I have to do an assignment on Abundant Numbers (Programmed in C).

Assignment Details are pretty straight forward. Ask for a number determine if it is abundant.
-Use "boolean" function to test a number for abundance.
-use a function to control output and another for input.
-An Abundant Number is a positive integer whose integer factors less than itself sum to a value greater than it.

This is the Code I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int Input(int N)


	printf("Enter the Nth Abundant Number you wish to see: ");

	scanf("%d", &N);



int Calc(int N)


	int Sum, I, I2;


	Sum = 0;

	I2 = sqrt(N);

	for (I = 1; I >= I2; I++)

		if ((N % I) = 0) Sum += I + (N / I);



int Check(int N, int Sum, int Abundancy)


	if (Sum > N)

		Abundancy = 1;


		Abundancy = 0;



int Output(int Number, int Abundancy)


	if (Abundancy == 1)

		printf("%d %s", Number, "is Abundant");


		printf("%d %s", Number, "is not Abundant");


int main()


	/* Variables */

	int N, Sum;

	int Abundancy;


	/* Start Loop */

	while (N != 0)


		/* Input */

		N = Input(N);

		for(int I = N; I = (N - 10)or I <= 0; I--)


			/* Calculate */

			Sum = Calc(N);		

			/* Determine Abundancy */

			Abundancy = Check(N, Sum, Abundancy);		


			/* Output */

			Output(N, Abundancy);



Could someone help me figure out why it declares everything as not an abundant number?
my test is 12. 1 + 2 + 3+ 4+ 6 = 16, 16 > 12, so it is abundant.