I've made a simple demo (see below) that calls a function which adds some strings to an array. What I don't understand is why if I comment the malloc statements in the addSomeStrings function, everything still works ok. Is this just by chance or are those statements not needed?

I ask because I have something similar in an application I am developing which works fine without the malloc statements but with them it throws a segmentation fault when i try and display the strings in the array (output of strtok function).

Any help would be most appreciated.

    void addSomeStrings(char **data)
        printf("Allocating heap space\n");
        data[0] = (char *) malloc(5*sizeof(char *));
        data[0] = "first";
        printf("Reallocating heap space\n");
        data = (char **) realloc(data, 2 * sizeof(char *));
        data[1] = (char *) malloc(6*sizeof(char *));
        data[1] = "second";
        printf("Reallocating heap space\n");
        data = (char **) realloc(data, 3 * sizeof(char *));
        data[2] = (char *) malloc(5*sizeof(char *));
        data[2] = "third";

    int main()
        char **data;
        int i=0;
        data = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
        for (i=0; i<3; i++)
            printf("String %s\n", data[i]);
        return 0;