Hi, this is probably a very simple problem however I cannot get a valid output from the powl() function. everytime I run it, it gives an output of 0.00. This is probably just a simple usage problem but I can't work out how to raise long double variables to the power of other long double variables. My program is an iterative calculation of pi using 4*(4arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239). I know you could use the inbuilt arctan functions in math.h but i wanted to make it iterative. I have read the man pages on pow()/powf()/powl() and scoured google but can't get it to work.

sorry for if i'm being thick.

 program works by working out pi as 4*(4arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239)
it approximates arctan(z) as (z^1)/1-(z^3)/3+(z^5)/5-... 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    long double pi, arctan1, arctan2, divisor;
	bool sign;
	int count;
	sign = 0;
	count = 0;
	divisor = 1;
	while (count < 100) {
		if (sign == 0) 
			arctan1 += (( powl( (1/5) , divisor))/divisor );
			arctan2 += (( powl ( (1/239) , divisor))/divisor );
			sign = 1;
			arctan1 -= (( powl ( (1/5) , divisor))/divisor );
			arctan2 -= (( powl ( (1/239) , divisor))/divisor );
			sign = 0;
		printf("\r%.050Lf", pi);
		divisor +=2;
	return 0;