Hi - with a specific question, I'd like to know if it is possible (I assume it is) to copy out a structures member to a variable and compare it to something else.

For example I have the following structure:
struct cmd_s {
char cmd[5];
char filename[256];
Once it is filled in I can see that the values are getting sent over my socket correctly, however I want to use an if statement to control my program flow.

	struct cmd_s *cmdrecieved;
	char bufferd[BUFFER_SIZE];
	recvfrom(fd, bufferd, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&srcaddr, (socklen_t*)&srcaddrSize );
	cmdrecieved = (struct cmd_s *)bufferd;
	printf( " before cmd = %s \n", cmdrecieved->cmd);  // This works
       //This is what I would like it to do
	if (strcmp(cmdrecieved->cmd,"send"))  {
	         printf( " awesome = %s \n", cmdrecieved->cmd);
	} else
	  printf("she broken");
You can see the above code is wrong, but it should illustrate what I was trying to do.

Any suggestions?