Thread: Linked List

  1. #1
    C++ Beginner !!!
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Linked List

    I am trying hard to follow the Linked List concept.
    I was trying to work towards the adjacent list. I am using the function to make adjacent list but am not able to pass my data to it.
    Can someone help me with this?
    the code is
    struct adj_node  /*the NODE which forms the part of the adjacency list; look at figure [B]*/
    char vertex_val;
    struct adj_node *adj_next; /*red pointer*/
    struct node /*the NODE which forms the part of the Graph; look at figure [A]*/
    char vertex_val;
    struct adj_node *down;
    struct node *next;  /*black pointer*/
    struct node *graph; 
    struct node *cur_vertex, *aux_ptr;
    struct adj_node *adj_cur, *new;
    /*Step-1 of the algorithm is expected from you or refer linked LISTS*/ 
    /*Step-1 gives you a list, being pointed by 'graph' */ 
    cur_vertex = graph;   /*first node of the graph in consideration*/
    /*Step-2 starts here*/
    while ( cur_vertex != NULL)
           aux_ptr = graph; /*an auxiliary pointer to the graph*/
           adj_cur = NULL; /*an auxiliary pointer to keep track of the adjacency lists*/
           cur_vertex->down = adj_cur; 
           while (aux_ptr != NULL)
                  printf("Is there any edge between %c and %c ",aux_ptr->vertex_val, cur_vertex->vertex_val);
                  scanf("%d", &edge);/*step-2: part-A*/
                  if( edge == 1) /*step-2: part - B*/
                     if( adj_cur == NULL)
                        adj_cur = (struct adj_node *)malloc(sizeof(adj_node));
                        adj_cur ->vertex_val = aux_ptr->vertex_val;
                        adj_cur -> adj_next = NULL;
                         new = (struct adj_node *)malloc(sizeof(adj_node));
                         new -> vertex_val = aux_ptr ->vertex_val;
                         adj_cur ->adj_next = new;
                         adj_cur = new; 
                         adj_cur ->adj_next = NULL;
                   aux_ptr = aux_ptr ->next;
            cur_vertex = cur_vertex ->next;
    I want to pass the data to the above function for making the LL but i dont know how it shd be passed.
    I am reading the data from the file as
    FILE *fp;
      int i, count = 0;
      char c;
      fp = fopen("data","r");    // reading the Edge file
      printf("\tThe total number of entries: %d\n", count);   
      C1 = (int*) calloc(edges, sizeof(int));
      C2 = (int*) calloc(edges, sizeof(int));
      C3 = (float*) calloc(edges, sizeof(float));
      for (i=0;i<edges;i++)
          fscanf(fp,"%d  %d %f \n", &C1[i], &C2[i], &C3[i]);
          //   printf("%d  %d %f  %c\n", C1[i], C2[i], pC3[i], C4[i]);   

  2. #2
    C lover
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Is that all of the code? Sure doesn't seem like it. Most of your used variables are undeclared. And passing the root node to your function should be enough, checking for node->next != NULL

        node = node->next

  3. #3
    C++ Beginner !!!
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I am reading my file in 3 columns. C1, C2, C3.
    I dont know how to put that in LL.
    C1 = Node1
    C2 = Node2
    C3 = Value.

  4. #4
    C++ Beginner !!!
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    it didnt work out for me
    I couldn't pass the input file to the above mentioned structure.
    Am I reading my data in some wrong format ????

  5. #5
    30 Helens Agree neandrake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    This is rather confusing as we don't have the assignment you were given for this (nor figures A and b), and there is a bit more going on than just linked lists. Looks like what you need to do is populate the graph variable before calling the function.
    Environment: OS X, GCC / G++
    Codes: Java, C#, C/C++
    AOL IM: neandrake, Email: neandrake (at) gmail (dot) com

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