
I have the following program. It worked great until I added the For loop at the begining, and modified if((i=0)&&(doy <=1)). Now the output looks good for a couple iterations, but then goes into this endless output of day nan nan nan ~0.035 nan nan nan nan. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? Many thanks!

The code:

#define SMA 0.00036			/* DIM scaling parameter for SM curve */
#define SMB 105.0			/* DIM scaling parameter for SM curve */
#define FMET 0.59			/* DIM metabolic fraction of NPP; Potter et al. 1993, CHANGE FOR DIFFERENT BIOMES */
#define FSTR 0.70			/* DIM slow SOC fraction of structural SOC pool; Ise and Moorcroft 2006 */
#define KSTR 0.40			/* DIM proportional rate K for structural SOC decomposition; Ise and Moorcroft 2006 */
#define KSLW 0.0093			/* DIM proportional rate K for slow SOC decomposition; Ise and Moorcroft 2006 */
#define FRAUT 0.53			/* DIM proportion of GPP represented by autotrophic respiration. This value is taken from Choudhury (2001). The origional model used Gifford et al. 2005,
**                          /* value of 0.46.  CHANGE FOR DIFFERENT BIOMES */

#define ME 0.45				/* DIM Microbial efficiency; McGill et al. 1981; Potter et al. 1993 */
#define KOPT 0.0301			/* Optimal decomposition rate (1/d) for soil metabolic fraction; Ise and Moorcroft 2006 */

#include	    <math.h>
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <stdlib.h>
#include        <malloc.h>
#include        <unistd.h>

int main()


	int	doy;

	double	soil_t;		/* surface soil temperature; deg K */
	double	soil_m;		/* surface soil moisture; % saturation */
	double	gpp;		/* GPP; g C m-2 d-1 */

	double  npp;

	double rmet;
	double rstr;
	double rslw;

	double	npp_ann_init;	/* Initial NPP pool; g C m-2 yr-1 */
	double	soil_t_av;	/* long-term avg surface soil T; deg K */
	double  soil_m_av; 	/* long-term avg JJA soil moisture; % saturation */
	double  met_c_init;	/* initial soil metabolic C pool; g C m-2; Ise and Moorcroft, 2006 */
	double  struct_c_init;	/* initial structural soil C pool; g C m-2; Ise and Moorcroft, 2006 */
	double  slow_c_init;	/* initial slow soil C pool; g C m-2; Ise and Moorcroft, 2006 */
	double  r_aut;		/* autotrophic respiration; g C m-2 d-1 */
	double  r_het;		/* heterotrophic respiration; g C m-2 d-1 */

    double dCmet;
	double dCstr;
	double dCslw;

	double cmet;
	double cstr;
	double cslw;

	double  r_tot;		/* total respiration; g C m-2 d-1 */
	double  k_met_opt;	/* optimal soil metabolic C decomposition rate; d-1 */
	double  k_met_av;	/* average soil metabolic C decomposition rate; d-1 */
	double  k_met;		/* actual soil metabolic C decomp rate; d-1 */
	double  k_struct;	/* soil structural C decomp rate; d-1 */
	double  k_slow;		/* soil slow C decomp rate; d-1 */

	double  tmult;		/* DIM 0-1, soil temperature rate response curve */
	double  tmult_av;	/* DIM 0-1, soil temperature rate response under avg conditions */
	double  wmult;		/* DIM 0-1, soil moisture rate response curve */
	double  wmult_av;	/* DIM 0-1, soil moisture rate response under avg conditions */
	int     flag;		/* DIM 0.0 or 1.0 for spinup or daily run, respectively */

/* 1.0 open data input file */

FILE *datain;

int i;

for (i = 0 ; i < 2; i++)


/* datain =fopen("/home/jennifer.watts/Carbon_Models/TCF_model_modified/Testing_Spinup/", "r"); */
datain =fopen("tcf_spinup.txt", "r");

if (datain == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file!\n");

	while(fscanf(datain,"%d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
	      &flag, &doy, &gpp, &soil_t, &soil_m, &soil_t_av, &soil_m_av, &npp_ann_init, &met_c_init, &struct_c_init, &slow_c_init) != EOF)


/* address inital values for year 1, day 1, of spin-up*/

	  if((i=0) && (doy <= 1 ))
	      cmet = met_c_init;
	      cstr = struct_c_init;
	      cslw = slow_c_init;
	      rmet = 0;
	      rstr = 0;
	      rslw = 0;

/* 3.0 Environmental Constraint Calculations*/

	    k_met_opt = KOPT;

/* calculate soil temperature rate response (Lloyd and Taylor 1994) */

	   tmult = exp(308.56 * ((1.0 / 66.02) - (1.0 / ((soil_t) - 227.13))));

/* calculate soil moisture response (Monsi 1969, Bunnell and Tait 1974, Oberbauer et al. 1991, 1996) */

	   wmult = SMA * (SMB * soil_m - pow(soil_m, 2.0));

/* 4.0 Calculate soil CO2 input and output; soil C pool values */

/* calculate decomposition rate constants */

	   k_met = k_met_opt * tmult * wmult;
	   k_struct = KSTR * k_met;
	   k_slow = KSLW * k_met;

	   rmet = (k_met * cmet * (1.0 - ME));
	   rstr = (k_struct * cstr * (1.0 - ME));
	   rslw = (k_slow * cslw * (1.0 - ME));

	   r_het = (rmet + rstr + rslw);

	   r_aut = (gpp * FRAUT);

	   r_tot = (r_het + r_aut);

	   npp = (gpp - r_aut);

       dCmet = (FMET * npp - rmet);
       dCstr = (((1 - FMET) * npp) - rstr - FSTR * cstr);
       dCslw = ((FSTR * cstr) - rslw);

       cmet += (cmet + dCmet);
       cstr += (cstr + dCstr);
       cslw += (cslw + dCslw);

/* print out daily updating of carbon pools for spinup run */

 printf("%d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", doy, cmet, cstr, cslw, npp, r_tot, dCmet, dCstr, dCslw);


