Quote Originally Posted by xniinja
delete or replace them, but my txt file is setup like this
You need to be absolutely clear on what you are trying to do. Do you want to delete all of them? Replace all of them... with what?

Quote Originally Posted by xniinja
but at the part that the user types something it might delete the commas inside, and I have to delete the quotes so I was thinking something like this
Inside what? What might delete the commas inside that thing? The user? The program? If you delete the quotes, how does that fix the problem?

For example, you might say that this is some sample input:
number,number,number,"the user types something here"
Maybe you want to tokenise the input based on the comma, i.e., from the above input, you would get four strings consisting of the three numbers and '"the user types something here"'. The problem is that if '"the user types something here"' was '"hello,world"', you might end up with five strings instead: the three numbers, and '"hello' and then 'world"'. So, how can such commas within double quotes be ignored in the tokenisation?